the bullies

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*cough* *cough*


everyone's fav bully🥰

im guilty of this tho. on the first fanfiction i ever made, i actually made jennie the bully👁👄👁 but sometimes jennie and her friends, irene, hyuna, somi, tzuyu or any twice member😍 CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG BUT LIEK??? RIGHT?

blackpink can either be ur bully or your friend, no in between. in another fanfic jennie was my bully and the other one i read was jennie being my best friend LIKE- NO IN BETWEEN.

ha- but for some reason there are no male bullies. guess why? RIGHT, THEY'RE MY LOVE INTEREST❤

actually, there are male bullies but they're the main character. tHey bUllY yOu fOr yEArS then u forgive them🤡

im guilty of that too. in my hyunjin ff, i mAdE hiM mY bUllY tHat bUlliEd mE fOr yEArS beCauSe hE seCreTlY liKeD me- so i forgave him and we married🥰

^^ every y/n EVER.

jennie and her friends be liek-

"bAck tF oFf- HE'S MINE." *pushes mc off a building, mc got to the hospital and lives then marries male lead*

"sTaY aWAy fRom hiM oR !ELSE!"
"diDn't yOu liStEn tO hEr? sHe sAiD tO gEt aWAy frOm hiM🤬🙄"
"yEAh b*****Tch"

i wAs eAtiNg mY luNch uNtiL i fElt cOld liQuiD poUrEd oN mY heAd. iT wAs nOnE oTheR tHan jEnniE, mY bUlly, pOuRinG wAtEr ovEr mY hEAd. "WHAT THE FCK JENNIE WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?"  tEArS sTartEd tO fAll dOwn mY eYeS aS eVeryoNe iN tHe rOom sTArEd aT mE, soAkiNg wEt. jEnniE rOllS hEr eYeS aNd smiRks "i told you to get tf away from HIM"

i coUldn't tAkE iT anYmOre, sO i stOrmEd oFf aNd lEfT tHe cAfetEriA.

"WAIT! UGH JENNIE UR SO ANNOYING. Y/N WAIT!" *male lead runs after mc and jennie doesn't care*

tell me i'm wrong😃


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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