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Ice cream chillin' chillin' ice cream chillin'!!




"This is bad. No scratch that. This is the worst!" Haru whispered loud enough to hide his insanity standing in front Kanbe's mansion. Somehow the MANSION looked fancier today.

"There's no turning back. Suzue san has definitely spotted me by now thanks to HEUSC. It's now or never. Yoshi! Ikuzo!"

'AHHHH! I was in such a hurry that I completely forgot about the car.Sue me Lord. What's stopping u?I look so desperate shit...' Haru kept thinking as the creaking sound of the metal gates go unnoticed by him.

"Katou sama. Please come this way." Suzue greeted Haru along with some other maids.

Everything glittered. All the maids, their outfits,Suzue san, everyone seemed so happy for some weird  reason.

'Wait maids? Why are so many maids around here? I've always noticed butlers though... '

Before Haru could even process the whole situation, he was dragged inside by those bunch of old and gold faced maids with Suzue san following behind.

"Katou sama, would u like to have some tea right now?" Suzue inquired has she struggled to hold her laughter. Haru struggled to free himself from the maids' iron grip. He looked totally exhausted.

"HUNG-AGH... let me go! pls!" Haru cried and pleaded; low-key loving it.

"Wash him properly. He must smell nice. Very nice."Suzue ordered and left to bring tea.

"Wait Suzue san! What do u mean by washing me? And why do I need to smell ni- AGHGHGH!" The oldest maid picked him up quite easily, effect of trained hands, asked the others to prepare Haru's bath.

After the endless rubbing, scrubbing, scratching, perfuming, a fresh Haru sits formally for a green tea wearing a grand yet comfy kimono. He wanted to say no to this gorgeous kimono but Kanbe's granma's infectious smile stopped his tongue. Yes the three of them, are sitting together for a traditional tea party. 

"Haru san, you look so good in this kimono...I always wanted a son like you u see, responsible, noble and lovely." Kanbe's granny said smiling her eyes disappearing in the process. She kept smiling all the time. 

"Katou sama, so how do u feel now? Less stressed?"  Suzue asked.

"Yes, thanks to OBaa san's special green tea."

"You're such a sweet talker too, Haru san. Would u mind if I claim u as my son in law?" Kanbe's granny smiles evily, this baby faced devil, she knows it all.

Haru choked and started coughing harshly.  

"Son in law??!!"

"Yes, Katou sama. No worries I'm always here to help with anything. Moreover, Yuki sama's directions are my orders, so...

That cocky white cat!!!!! I'll murder her. AGHGHGHGH!!! Haru internally pulled his hair groaning.

"We all know why u are here Katou sama...." Suzue said n smirked followed by a cheerful clap from none other than Kanbe's Granny.....


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