JLA 21 Part 3

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In place of these robots

It say it is time brothers time to avenge a thousand years of grevances time to regain our Power and Dignity and cheer or shout.

It say it is time brothers time to avenge a thousand years of grevances time to regain our Power and Dignity and cheer or shout

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It say our plan has worked flawessly so far we have sown dissension among

It say  the Lantern corps and stained their reputation forever but beyond that

It say we have succeeded in luring the leaders of most hated enemy away from their home planet of OA

It say yes they here the guardians shouting meaninglessly, 'This is what I understand, sorry

It say No my brothers not here not now our destiny lies else where but rest assured the guardians will burn for we are the manhunters and the same pre-eminence.

In court

It is tool that we guardians control the Lantern corps Power source but the individual lanterns have complete autonomy

So if one of them does something wrong it is not your fault

You mis understand we give them automy because we trust their experience and

No other questions, and the head of the green lamp comes down

How much we here we demand an immediate judgment

F say I object is rejected

Have you heard all the facts we will now consider

F say I did everything I could

GL say I wish you had not

F say that was fast،

The facts are clear John stewart is guilty do you wish to make a statement before we pass sentence

GL say No

Very well the sentence is termintion for you and your lawyer, and it appears as a prison, punishment or execution machine

The guards walk in and shoot a flash forward

F say whoa timeout I wanted appeal

GL say will you show some dignity for once in your life

F say this is not right we can not just sit here

GL say we have to think of the others like us we all need to be held accountable

GL say we have too much Power not to be pushing them into the alien dome and shutting off red gas

Superman and the Martian come and break the same wall that is now repaired 😂😂

S say stop he attacks the guards and defeats them, he throws them on the ground, breaks the ball or the prison, and brings out the silt for the interiors and flashes

How dear you

S say John is innocent that is her cut Hawkgirl hope

JJ Say with Hawkgirl you can hear me

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