The Battle To Part Two

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With Batman

Diana, don't walk to them and attack they were carrying Diana on the plane

Throw the battery and pull, but someone fires a shot, cutting the rope, and I fall

Adjust my dress and go down as a deceit and go down, fire a lot of battering, bring down some

I get to the ground, where an entire army will gather to me

A voice comes in the area, it was something strange, says the Dark Knight himself came to us

Stay silent and angry, he says I was expected of the best justes league, but how disappointed I was.

He says the loss, I thought we would have a little fun, but it doesn't matter, you soldiers who shot

They get ready and say goodbye, Batman. Good to know you, and the sound disappears

All were getting ready and fired. I got ready from before I fired smoke bombs and started attacking them

Many fell, but then my thinking returned and I withdrew to collect my thoughts

Go and go somewhere and find a good ruined city

It was dark in my favor, and I shot a boatload of a building that remained standing

And I got there and entered the building and opened the tracker with my hands

I had planted one of them on someone near Diana

And I turn on the device, start searching for the site there, the signal comes, and I get a call

on call

Superman tells Batman what the report is

I say I have imprisoned Diana while I am there

He says "Do you want me to send you support?"

I say no too hard, Cryptoni, this mission is for me and the official has become personal

Superman says OK, I know what you mean if you need tell us Superman ends

Batman continues to search for the signal, hears the sound of soldiers walking, and gets the location

Then the door of a room in which Bruce was located, the soldiers received ten armed soldiers

A soldier says, "Come on, look." He couldn't hide here forever

The second says the boss wants Batman alive

The third says, "You guys have forgotten about the people you talk about that Batman The Dark Knight will be hard to defeat."

The soldiers searched where Bruce was in the shadows of the room and decided to interrogate them, Batman-style

Where he hits the door forcefully closes the lock, but rather Batorang and returns to it without seeing anything

The soldiers are frightened, and then they prepare to fire. Batman throws a smoke grenade and everyone is frightened

Says one Batman here summoned support immediately grabs the phone and Bruce throws and breaks the phone

He says you wanted the Dark Knight and you will see him say that among the smoke in a frightening and calm voice

Everyone hits the shots with horror and quickly Bruce throws baturing, hits someone's weapon, and screams the person

Soldiers identify Batman and shoot fire. Batman runs dodging shots quickly due to training with Diana.

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