Chapter 17: I can keep a secret, can you?

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Tiffany was walking her way to class. She looked around the hallway to see if the coast was clear before she walked into a janitor's closet to see Chen standing there. He looked from his phone and gave her a smile and she gave one back.

She went to him and gave a hug, "Hey."

He hugged her back, "Hey."

They broke the hug and Chen pulled something out his backpack. It was a Pandora Jewelry box. Tiffany's smile grew even bigger as Chen opened it revealing a pink charm bracelet.

"Omo! Chen, you shouldn't have~" She squealed.

"I know, but I wanted to." He said looking at her.

He pulled her sleeve up a bit and puts the charm bracelet on her hand. Tiffany admired it as he closes the latch of the bracelet on.

"Happy three months Tiffany." he kissed her forehead.

"Happy three months, Chennie." Tiffany smiled as her eyesmile occurred.

Chen stopped hugging before putting his hands in his pockets as he sighed. Tiffany saw and knew where this was going.

"We will tell them soon, I promise." She reassuringly touched his shoulder and he nods.

"I know, but I'm ready to show the world how lucky I am to have you." Chen embraced her once again which made her smile even more.

Tiffany hugged back and closed her eyes and inhaled, "I know, but us pretending to hate each other overtime was pretty much exhausting. Even though it died down, we still have to hide our relationship."

"Mhm." Chen agreed as he looked down at her who still had her eyes closed. The fact this beautiful girl was in his arms made his heart race and glow more. He remembered when Tiffany first came in his life, as his enemy. Well honestly he questioned why she would be his enemy, he barely knew the girl. Chen didn't bother to question his friends about it, he just went with the flow.

Tiffany on the other hand didn't question as well, she didn't hate Chen really, but it was the fact that his friends came for hers, and she wasn't going to have that. If they wanted to play with fire, best believe they were going to burn.


3 months ago (Chapter 1-3)

Chen's POV

Ugh, I need to go pee.

I was in the limo with all of my friends as we were going to school. I really don't want to deal with Mr. Jung's bullshit. Seriously, this man gives us homework on Friday. FRIDAY!

"I wonder who I should hook up with today." Baekhyun smirked giving his usual fuckboy vibe.

Chanyeol smacked his teeth, "Such a man whore."

Baekhyun shrugs, "Can't help that the girls love me, unfortunate for you since you get no type of-"

Suho who was getting annoyed already cuts them off before it becomes another quarrel, "Chill guys."

"Thank you, hyung." Tao said as he was fanning himself with a hand fan.

I looked at Kai and Lay doing dance moves in their seats as they shared earbuds listening to music. Geez, these two never fail but to amuse me. Sehun on the other thing I knew was I was smelling a toxic smell.

I covered my nose like the rest of them did as well, "SEHUN!" we all complained glaring at him.

Sehun who was munching on a breakfast burrito looked at us very nonchalantly.

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