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Decided to make a series of one-shots instead.

Taishi's PoV

The group decided to have a summer trip. I love summers! As usual, I'm beside Kairi. I think he doesn't mind. Does he know that I like him? Well, it doesn't matter as long as I can stay beside him.

Everybody's hanging around the pool. I just swam nearby Kairi. Seeing him smile just makes my day brighter. He's always so happy. Most of the time he's naughty and playful, but I don't really mind because those are some of the reasons why I liked him.

Splish-splash, swimming through. Sometimes I don't like seeing him being so happy with the others. But I can't do a thing about that. Kairi is just a big fluff of sunshine. Plus, we're all friends anyway.

I just floated under the summer sun, over the water.

"Taishi! You're not coming with us?" Kairi asked. I shook my head—no.

"Okay then, I'm leaving you this. Hey, it's pink!" He cheered as he handed me the floater. He knows that I love the color pink.

"Wait for us, Taishi!" He said and they left.

I wonder what they're up to. Well, let me just relax around here. All those dancing and singing does tire me sometimes. The summer weather is just perfect for this. The water is cool.

Has it been a while? I feel uneasy when he's not around. I just feel like I'm so alone when he's nowhere near.

"Taishi!" Oh, they're back.

"I brought you these!" Kairi's holding something in his hand.

"It's pink, I know you'll like it!" He really be saying something that would make my heart jump. I looked at his hand and he's holding a bracelet.

"See! Here, let me put it on you." He held my hand and put the bracelet on. Then, I noticed that he has one too.

"Thanks Kairi. I really appreciate these." I said and he chuckled.

"Why are you being so formal? Here, I got one too. Actually, everybody has, but I made sure that ours are the only ones identical." He cheerily stated while still holding onto my hand. I feel my face heat up slowly at his words.

"After all, you're my best friend!" He happily said. Oh. Okay.

"Um...sure!" I replied.

"How about let's go back? I'm getting hungry already." He asked and I nodded.

We walked out of the pool and he's still holding my arm. Like, why?

~~time skip~~

It's finally time for bed. Everybody chose who they're next to. I didn't want to say that I want to sleep beside Kairi but he's the one who said it so it's a win for me!

The futons are all set and then they turned off the lights. I looked to my left, Kairi's right beside me. I want to get closer.

"Taishi..." He whispered. I hummed as a response.

"Have you ever thought of like, are we gonna stay in this group forever?" He asked. It's time for bedtime thoughts.

"Well....yeah, I've thought about it." I whispered while looking up. I don't want to look at his cute bed face.

"You think everyone will still be friends?"

"Hmm...I guess. Maybe we're gonna talk lesser when we get out of the group. But we'll still be friends."

"When I think about it, I get sad." He said. That's when I looked at him. He's staring at me since earlier.

"I don't want to get away from everyone. But I'll be more sad when we don't talk anymore. I mean, us two. I don't know, somehow you feel special to me." He said, which made my heart skip. How am I gonna sleep now?

"We can still talk even when we go older if you want to. I'm always here." I said and put my hand near him.

"Really? Thank you Taishi." He said and moved closer to me. There was silence after that.

"Taishi? Are you still awake?" He asked. I hummed again.

"May I scoot in closer to you? I really can't sleep without hugging someone or something." He asked and I patted the space between us, saying that he may.

"The AC is a bit cold too." His voice is sounding more sleepy. Then eventually, he fell asleep beside me. I wrapped my arm around him and patted his head with my other hand.

"I also don't want to be away from you." I whispered and kissed his forehead.

I decided to go to sleep while hugging him.


I slowly woke up. The sun's still not up, maybe it's like 4 AM.

"Ngh....Taishi..." I heard Kairi groan. He moved as if he's waking up.

"Good morning, Kairi." I whispered.

"Mornin..." He said in a sleepy voice. He's still not opening his eyes.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"It's fine, you can still go back to sleep." I said and patted his head. Then I caressed his chin, he seems to not mind. I guess he really is half asleep.

There he goes back to sleep. I hugged him again. I might as well sleep again too.

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