Episode 28: Scorpio

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Episode 28: Scorpio

            The girls ran down the block and headed for the alley they were in last night before Hellfire could disappear again. They’re eyes widen as a gust of fog blew past them. They turned around seeing a guy with black hair and piercing dark eyes as he approached them slowly out of the shadows. All of a sudden he transformed wearing, dark blue pants and boots, black top and a two silver shields with sharp tips at the end of them. They were so narrow and thin that they looked like a blade. He whore a mask to cover his face, his piercing dark eyes on the girls.

            “I am Scorpio…your Crystal Hearts will be mine,” he said. Trista changed into animal mode threw a punch. The punch was blocked by the bladed shields. Scorpio spun around and slapped Roxi in the back of the head with the weapon, causing her to stumble. She kicked him in his stomach, but it had no effect as he grabbed her foot and threw her into a wall.

            “Now witness the true power of the stars,” he said touching the shield together. A lightning ball levitated in the middle, connecting the two shields as he threw it. Roxi tried to dodge it, but it was too fast as it crashed into her. The attack was too much for Roxi as she passed out, allowing Trista to take control of the body.

            “Hey!” said Jenna and Angela with their hands out for a spell.

            “Hi,” said Hellfire, floating above them. They looked up, being smacked in the face by a fire attack. “Karu!” said Angela, sending a blast of water more powerful than the “Atri” spell. Hellfire dodged it, landing and spin kicked Angela on the ground. Jenna tried to attack, but he created a swirl of a whirlwind of black fire that knocked her down.

            “Ahhh!!” screamed Scorpio as something wiggled in his back. Two more shields-like weapons sprouted from his back, similar to Doctor Octopus tentacles from Spider-man.

            “Now little sister…time do die,” said Hellfire, putting his hands out in front as ten black fireballs surrounded it. She was unable to dodge the attack.

            “NOO!!” cried out T.K. as he came running out of nowhere, tackling Hellfire with an embracive hug. T.K. eyes started to glow as a current flow of lightning shot up from his body and into the sky, shocking Hellfire.

            “Ahhhhhnoooo, get off of mmmeeeee!!!!” he said. T.K. wouldn’t let go as he increased the lightning power, forcing Hellion to let go of his possession. All of a sudden, the girls got up and notice T.K. was wearing a Platonic solid stone around his neck. His Dodecahedron stone started to glow a bright yellow color as Zac’s stone did the same, but glowed red.

            “Nooooahahahhah!!” yelled Hellfire, being electrocuted by T.K. A small explosion happened that separated the two. Zac was back to normal as a small black shadow slithered around him and whispered to him, “muahaha…I’ll be back…” It disappeared as he stood up with the help of T.K.

            “Thanks man,” said Zac.

            “That’s two you owe me—or is that three,” he thought.

            “T.K. what are you doing here?” asked Trista.

            “Came to save you guy’s asses—again,” he said.

            “Where did you get that stone?” asked Jenna.

            “Some dude gave it to me,” answered T.K. and winked at Angela. She knew he must have called the Magick Store number she gave him.

            “Doesn’t matter…your Crystal Hearts will be ours…I’m Valora,” she said, jumping down from a building.

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