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One Saturday morning, you decide to head over to Griddy's to enjoy a donut. As you wait in line, you feel a tap on your shoulder. There is very little you hate more than being touched by people you don't know, so you turn around expecting to give the unfortunate soul a piece of your mind, only to pause. The man behind you appears to be unthreatening: tall and skinny, with disheveled brown hair and wild green eyes. He wears a colorful striped button down with a black leather skirt, and you smile appreciatively, ignoring an elderly couple behind the two of you tutting disapprovingly.

"Hey! You with the killer jacket! Would you mind lending me some money so I can buy a donut? Please, pretty please? I don't have any money, and stupid Diego wouldn't lend me any, but I reeeally wanted a donut and you seemed nice." The couple behind you is now full-on glaring, but you smile. There is something about him you find instantly endearing.

"I got you," you tell him. "Come stand with me and I'll get us both breakfast. Do you want anything to drink?"

"I LOVE you!" he cries, throwing his arms around you. "You are my angel!" You hold back a chuckle. It appears that this day will be a lot more interesting than you expected. You place your orders and invite him to sit with you at the counter, finding yourself enjoying his company.

"I'm Klaus," he says as you sit down.

"Y/n," you reply.

"Well, y/n," he says through a mouthful of donut, "your whole outfit is-" he pauses for a moment as if at a loss for words, then blows a kiss.

"Yours too! I was actually wondering, what eyeliner do you use? I may need to get some of that."

"Oh, this? It's sharpie!"


"Yep! Sometimes I steal from my sister Allison, but I didn't want to bother her today."

"How many siblings do you have?" you ask him. Never having had any siblings yourself, you always find yourself enjoying hearing what it's like. You tell him that and he laughs.

"I have six!" he cries. "Way more than anyone should have, but there you go."

You are enjoying a series of quite entertaining, animated stories, mostly featuring his brothers Diego and Ben and his two sisters, Allison and Vanya, when you hear a strange crackling sound. Klaus hisses a string of curse words under his breath and you turn around in shock to see a very angry looking child standing behind you. You could have sworn that he wasn't there a second ago. He seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

"There you are, Klaus!"

"Here I am!" He makes a ta-da gesture, which only seems to anger the younger boy more.

"I was looking for you everywhere!" he fumes. "I told Diego to keep an eye on you. Well, my fault, I suppose. Diego's too immature himself to be trusted to babysit you. Come on!" He moves to the door so quickly you almost believe he teleported.

"But Fiiiiiiiive! I just made a new friend and we were having sooooo much fun!"

"Too bad!" snaps Five. "Time to go home."

"You better go," you tell Klaus, and he pouts. "Want to meet up again tomorrow, same place, same time? You owe me a donut."

"With what money?" scoffs Five, practically dragging him out.

"See you tomorrow!" Klaus shouts, and you know you will look forward to it. You have a good feeling about him.

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