Chapter 1: Those Blue Eyes

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Walking down the corridor, Harry, Hermione, and Ron were so busy chatting about how horrid Professor Snape had been during today's lesson that they didn't notice when the door to a classroom in front of them swung open. Rita Skeeter stepped out and grabbed Harry's arm with her claw-like fingers. She pulled him into the classroom, Hermione and Ron following, scared for their friend's wellbeing.

She slung Harry into a chair and slammed the classroom door closed. It was so dark that he barely noticed when Hermione and Ron sat down on either side of him. He could hear Skeeter sucking on her quill-pen a few paces in front of him. 'Not this again,' Harry thought. He hated Skeeter.

 Candles meticulously placed around the room immediately came to life, throwing a dancing light on the walls, and illuminating their faces. 

"So Harry," she began in her unpleasant, pitchy voice. "Explain to me exactly how that, what's her name, oh, Wisher girl looks." Though he was confused as to why Skeeter would want to know about her, he began talking.

"She is," He paused, racking his memories, "Average height, very strongly built. She is a chaser on my Quidditch team. Actually, she looks like a combination of me and loony- erm I mean - Luna combined. Her hair is very long, wavy, and blonde," 

He was cut off by Hermione, "She usually wears it in two long french braids, but as soon as school lets out for the day, she takes them out. It is waist length, and gorgeous!" She gushed.

Harry cut his way back in, and continued what he was saying. He could hear Skeeter's acid green quill-pen scrawling and scribbling across the parchment, doubtlessly exaggerating everything he said. "We were practicing for the upcoming quidditch game a few months ago, and she was hit by a flyaway bludger. Fell off her broom, plummeted a good 50 feet. Madam Hooch was overseeing that day, thankfully, and managed to slow her down before she hit the ground." He was once again cut off, but by Ron this time.

 "They got her on a stretcher, and took her off to the hospital wing. Her face was all bloody, and caked with dirt." His accent was thick after the long, exhausting day.

 Harry hid the agitation in his voice, and continued what he was saying. "We didn't get to see her until after dinner that day, but when we got there, her face was all cleaned up, and she was awake. She had a gash high on her right cheekbone, and now the scar looks just like mine. But in a different place. Madam Pomfrey still wouldn't let her out, though. That seemed to make her upset; she has a bit of a short fuse."

"Ever since I realized she was in Gryffindor with me, I checked on her every morning after she was let out, making sure she was healing fine. Quickly I noticed that whenever she gets close to Harry, their wands start jumping and twitching. I'm still trying to figure out why, though." Hermione cut in once more. Rita's pen scratched furiously at this. Harry glared at her, and continued speaking. 

"Her features are sharp. Her eyes farther apart by just about half a millimeter. She-" Harry was cut off again but by Ron again. 

"Her eyes. You could get lost in those deep, blue eyes." He said dreamily, staring off nonchalantly. Harry heard Hermione scoff from across the room, he knew she was not amused by the comment. Harry had to snap his fingers in front of Ron's face to 'wake him up.' He jerked, then became again fully conscious of where he was, and the position he was in. He sunk down in his chair and hid his face in his hands, but his scarlet ears were giving away his emotion.

"As I was saying," Harry continued, not sure if he was going to be cut off again, "She has piercingly blue eyes. And her nose is softly rounded at the tip. And her mouth? Rather wide and thin. Quite like Hermione's." Ron coughed to hide a laugh, and Hermione scoffed again. "She looks like anyone who is anybody, apart from her scar. That's why I only can find her at practice." 

At least Hermione waited for Harry to finish speaking before she started. "When she isn't in classes or on the pitch, she is usually in a window. One where she can see the lake or forest. She loves to draw. She is good at it too. Her hand flows effortlessly across the page." She said dreamily. Obviously she had seen her do it before.

"And what's her name?" Rita asked. Just the sound of her voice made Harry grow tense. 

"Her-her name?" Ron squeaked.

Harry was rather annoyed by his friends antics by now. "Penelopy Adaline Wisher. That's her name." He deadpanned. Rita quickly wrote it down. Stuffing her quill-pen and notebook in a small handbag, she waltzed out of the room, but not before saying:

"You've been a great help." Her tone was menacing, but changed quickly, "Toodle-loo!" She smiled, and let the door slam behind her.

 Harry, Ron, and Hermione shot confused looks at each other. They stood up one after the other, and walked out of the abandoned classroom. Harry stood tip-toe and looked for Skeeter. She seemed to have disappeared into thin-air. He slowly shuffled his way into the stream of students making their way to their next mid-day class.


Hello everyone, your lovely author here! Hope you liked this intro chapter! 

I can't promise the quality of writing from here on out, but hopefully you all will love it! 

Thanks so much for reading this wonderful chaos of a fanfic,

~Slytherin_Reasoning ♥︎

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