Ride Along (4)

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Ronica woke up with her head pressed on Aizawa's shoulder. His breath was slow and steady. Her eyes watched him sleeping. Then they trailed down his body to the 'package' tucked away. Her hand began to move to where her eyes were stopped.

"Morning Veronica, it is very tempting but no..." Shouta said with an asleep gravelly voice.

Veronica flopped on her back and sighed, "You're right. That's the reason I decided to let you give aftercare. You're so fucking handsome you know that?"

"No, I think I'm a scarred up, grouchy asshole but okay..." he chuckled.

"Okay scarred up asshole, how about some «chicory coffee?"

"Mhm...I'm game to try, " he said.

Ronica headed to the kitchen and began to make coffee the old fashion way with an old coffee pot on the stove. Then she began to make eggs and pulled out sausage. As the eggs and sausage slowly cooked she began to take flour, baking powder and salt. With a pot of hot oil she began to deep fry 'blobs' of the bread dough. Curiosity got to Shouta when the smell of the fresh bread hit his nose.

What are you making Ronin?"

"Indian fry bread," she laughed. "You can use jam or eat with stew. I hope you like bison sausage sensei."

"I am willing to try the sausage and it smells really good, " he replied.

Shouta decided to get closer to Veronica as she cooked. Her right hand reached for a cup then poured some of the coffee to Shouta. "There's sugar on the counter and milk in the fridge."

The UA teacher took a sip of the chicory coffee and raised his eyebrows. "This is good. LIke the kinda wood nutty taste."

"Chicory helps cut the strong taste of coffee...glad you like it. I can hook you up of course."

"Speaking of hooking up, how much would you object to a dinner date sometime?" Shouta coughed. "Scratch that hook up as in sex but the date part."

"I was going to say getting rather bold there Erasure..." Ronica laughed at him. Shouta felt his cheeks get slightly hot.

The two compared schedules and set up a couple of dates. Shouta felt as if Veronica was his soulmate just after two dates and communicating with her. So he decided to feel things out for starting a steady relationship. The two are grabbing some sushi when he decided to ask her.

"Veronica I wanted to ask you something, " he said with a waver in his voice. He hated rejection and it was so early in their relationship to be asking something so big to commit to.

"You may if you will order me some more sushi!" she giggled like a little girl.

"Damn woman! Where are you packing that away?" Shouta had to laugh. He had never seen anyone so taken with sushi.

"Someday I will tell you my secret Shouta Aizawa now you have a question that you are worried to ask..."

"I feel...aah connection and would like to make a commitment...?' he hummed.

Ronica looked him in the eye, "I could be the worst woman in bed you know..."

"Ronica, that's not what I am concerned about. Besides I can give you some pointers when we get to that point you know."

"Hmm...don't know about our schedules though," she replied.

"I am wondering about that too but I wanted to ask and I understand if you say no..."

"Hai Aizawa Shouta let's give this a try, " she laughed.

It had been three months and it was nearing retirement time for Ronin. Shouta kept trying to get her to reveal her quirk but Ronica seemed not interested in sharing. One morning he snuck a peek at her dog tags but the tag didn't tell him anything. The two had just begun to spend the night with each other but had not progressed to sex yet. Veronica had said she made the mistake too often of jumping in and it was only a rebound or for sex not a It was a Thursday night and Aizawa was out of sorts at dinner. Shouta and Veronica were going to spend Saturday-Sunday overnight. Hizashi and Kayama promised to watch his problem children. His current problem was a guest speaker on quirk uses had to cancel and he really didn't want to plan a lesson for the day.

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