Chapter 1

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Again this is our first story here I hope you all enjoy both on our behalf!



"Kyuubi Speech"

'Kyuubi Thoughts'

-Naruto's POV -

My name is Naruto Uzumaki of Konohagakure. I was born Twelve years ago on October 10th during the infamous Kyuubi attack. For as long as I can remember the villagers always hated me. I was rarely allowed in shops and if I was they charged me double if not triple what everyone else pays. On the plus side I still have Jiji with me! Ohh and don't forget old man Teuchi and his daughter Ayame! They have always cared for me ever since the orphanage and I saved that Hyuga girl.

-Flashback -

The sun shines on my face, forcing me to wake up. As much as I wanted to go back to sleep, the thought hit me. Today is my birthday!! That thought got me getting ready really fast. Before I knew it, I was already in the cafeteria eating my breakfast, alone. I'm happy, but nobody else is. I try to ignore it sometimes and watch how annoyed the other kids and the headmaster gets so there is a fun side to that at least. The Headmaster per usual is sternly walking her path through the cafeteria waiting for someone to act up. For the most part she will just stare me down fantasizing about watching walk out of this dumb place with a bag over my shoulder ready to die alone.

Next thing I know one of the older kids started to try and eat my lunch

"Hey what are you doing?", I said to the unfamiliar face.

"What do you mean, I am hungry so I am gonna eat, you brat", I knew this was not going to end well, so I just let him be. Only because I am on thin ice with the headmaster.

Time Skip -

After lunch in the courtyard I am minding my own business when the same boy comes up to me.

"Hey Brat, Thanks for the extra lunch not like you need it Demon" said the older boy.

'What, why does everyone call me that'

"Wh... why did you call me Demon"

"I heard it from the Headmaster herself, but you are too weak to be a Demon" This kid is starting to get on my nerves, but what is there for me to do if I start anything I'll just get thrown out like trash.

"I also heard her say that your dad was a drunk and your mom was a whore", once the boy said that there was a faint cracking sound in the back of my mind.

Next thing I knew I was seeing red, however it was slowly fading to black

Time Skip -

I woke up the next day my head was throbbing like I got hit by a bus. I looked around my room and noticed all my things, however little stuff I had, was all gone.

I ran downstairs hoping to find the headmaster to see what's going on. Then I see it, a single box labeled Demon outside. Knowing full well that everyone calls me Demon, monster, or even Demon Brat.

That is when I knew my time at the orphanage was most likely done.

I ran to pick up my things and run back inside with hope to make it back to some sort of sanctuary from the elements, only to be face to face with the headmaster with a sickened face and an all too familiar glare.

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