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You stared blankly at your reflection staring back at you in the mirror. Your legs were tucked under you as you sat on the floor in your bedroom. The creaking of the house gave you an odd sense of comfort, knowing that you were alone. Everyone had left around an hour ago to do various things, leaving you by yourself. You had assured them that you would be fine alone, telling them there was nothing to worry about, and you had a gun in your dresser. You took a deep breath after making sure your door was locked, slowly letting the breath out as you opened your eyes.

A figure was looming behind you, it's shadow-like appearance making you hold back the shudder that threatened to run down your spine. Its glowing eyes stared down into yours through your reflection.

"You overthink." It said simply. "It is unhealthy."

"It is unhealthy for me to be here," You replied calmly.

"That may be true. But you still sit before me, don't you?" It asked as a thin string of light appeared on its shadowy face as a lopsided grin.

"Yes," You sighed. "But it doesn't prevent me from feeling guilty about lying to my friends."

"Would you rather inform them of my presence?" It asked in a taunting manner as you rose to your feet. "I could make a grand entrance and surprise them."

"You'll remain unknown to them until I absolutely need to reveal you. Which will never happen," You said, tucking a strand of hair away from your face. It seemed to pout as you walked past it, shivering from the rush of cold wind that washed over you.

"That's no fun," It said.

"You don't need to have fun. You aren't human," You replied a little harshly. "You're my stand. A representation of my soul."

"Is that why I am completely surrounded in darkness?" It asked, making you scowl at it. It followed you with its glowing eyes, watching you as you opened the door to your bedroom.

"The others will be returning soon." You said.

"I take it that's your way of telling me to leave," It said, tilting its head at you.

"Yes," You responded. It sighed, its shoulders dropping in disappointment.

"And just when I thought I was free again," You watched as its image faded until the last wisp of the shadows disappeared.

You rubbed your temples as you walked downstairs and entered the kitchen. You need water for the migraine starting in the back of your mind. This had always happened whenever you summonsed your stand and tried to control it so it wouldn't wreak havoc. You sighed as you opened the fridge door, crouching down to grab a bottle of water from the bottom shelf when you heard a floorboard creak.

You froze, flicking your eyes to look in the metal pan sitting in the fridge. In the reflection, you saw something glint behind you. You swung the door open wider, jumping to the side and turning to face whatever you saw. Your shoulders dropped when you found nothing there. You shook your head, cursing yourself for being so jumpy after the encounter with your stand. Maybe you should turn on the lights and not sit in the darkness. You quickly retrieved the water bottle you came for in the first place before getting to your feet.

You walked towards the doorway to turn on the light but paused when you saw something sticking out from around the corner in the hallway. You frowned as you saw the tip of the boot. You really hadn't been imagining things.

You glanced at the counter at your phone. You could take a few steps and grab it, call one of the boys and wait until they got here. Or, you could handle all this by yourself. You chose that answer. They were probably busy anyway. You set the bottle down on the counter and took a careful step out of the kitchen. If you could sneak past him and run upstairs, you could grab the gun in your bedroom. That way you were at least armed. But without knowing the exact way he was angled, you didn't where he could and couldn't see.

However, you didn't have to worry about that as he came around the corner. He hadn't noticed you standing in the doorway just yet. You crouched down, hiding behind the corner as he walked closer. You watched as he pulled his stand out and put his hand on the doorframe, peering inside. You stuck your foot out and tripped him as he walked inside, making him let out a startled gasp as he crashed to the floor. You flicked on the light and looked down at him. You didn't recognize him.

"Who the hell are you?" You were only hoping he was some type of burglar who used his stand to help him rob houses. But the glare he sent your way made you think otherwise.

"Tch. They didn't tell me a bitch would be here," He growled, rolling onto his back.

"Who?" You asked with a frown.

"Like hell, I'd tell you. I'm only here for the plans of Passione. I suggest you mind your own business before I kill you. Actually, the boss said not to leave any evidence. I think you'd count as that." He said, getting to his feet as you stepped back.

You turned on your heel and ran from the kitchen, heading straight for the stairs. He lunged after you, grabbing your ankle, and pulled you to the ground in the living room. You gasped as his fingers dug into your hips and he flipped you onto your back. He sat on your hips, stilling them as he gathered your wrists and pinned them above your head. Your eyes were wide, squirming, and tugging your wrists as you tried to wiggle away from him. His eyes racked over your chest down to your hips, making you snark a lip in disgust.

"Get off me, you disgusting bastard!" You hissed, bucking your hips up and to the side, pushing him to the side. You rolled on top of him, snatching your wrists back as you slammed your fist into his nose. He screamed in pain and you felt something slam against your chest before you were knocked back away from him and crashed against the coffee table. The glass shattered under you and you winced as the shards cut into your skin and as you hit your head against the metal frame.

The man stood up and brandished his stand, wiping the blood away from his nose as he did. You grabbed onto the frame, wincing as the glass cut into your palms.

"You hit like a bitch," You spat.

"Really?' He scoffed as he got closer.

"Yep! Which is why this makes this a lot easier!" You grunted, lifting your upper body up and kicked your leg up, cracking him in the jaw with the tip of your shoe. He stumbled back as you jumped to your feet, the glass cracking under you. You jumped over the rest of the table before sprinting towards the front door.

You swung the door open and cursed when you saw a van door slide open from across the street and two men jumped out. You quickly dashed to the side, running down the street away from the van and your house. Your feet pounded against the asphalt as two men started chasing after you.

You cursed Bucciarati for assigning something to everyone today.

You jumped over boxes, ran around fruit and vegetable stands, avoided cars, turned around corners sharply, and even went down roads you weren't familiar with all to try and lose the people chasing after you. They were persistent on you, whether it be the two men on foot or the van that would cut you off. You were getting tired, your legs aching and lungs burning. That tiredness quickly faded away once you started hearing gunshots behind you.

Now in the main part of town, you were surrounded by people and buildings that would help you hide. You quickly ducked in an alleyway, sliding to the ground and pressing yourself against the wall as the van sped past you. You panted heavily, looking down at your hands before pulling the glass out of your palms while hissing in pain.

You jolted on the ground, your hands shooting up to cover your head when the loud pops and metal clanging filled your ears. They were shooting at the dumpster you had been hiding behind. You jumped to your feet when you heard their footsteps, grabbing on the edge of the dumpster and pulled yourself up. Your heart was racing, the blood pumping through your veins as you sprinted across the top, feeling the bullets whiz past you. You jumped off the edge, grabbing onto the edge of the fire escape. As you were about to pull yourself up, you faltered and almost let go as a sharp pain shot through your bicep, making you scream in pain.

You quickly brought your other arm up before you could fall and pulled yourself up, scrambling on the metal platforms as you raced up them, stumbling on the stairs. Your feet kicked up gravel as your reached the roof. You slid to the ground, leaning against a pillow as you clamped your hand around your arm.

You really weren't having a good day.

𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩 ⚠︎ 𝙥𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧⚠︎Where stories live. Discover now