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"Can't you just pick a dress already? We've been to six stores and I found mine in the first store," You said as the pink-haired girl drug you into yet another store. She had bought smaller dresses, ones for dinners and nights out, but she was still searching for one for the ball.

"Oh hush! You're getting a new dress anyways!" She said, turning to look at you briefly before facing the marvelous dresses once more.

"What's wrong with the one I have?" You asked, peering in the bag at your floor-length black dress. It wasn't anything too special, and you thought that it was cute. "I like it."

"I do too, but you're going with the Don of Passione!" She said, twirling around to face you. "You have to knock that blonde off his feet! You need something flashier, something bigger, something sexier!"

"Trish!" You said, face heating up. "I don't need a sexy dress! It's a dance!"

"A dance with hundreds of guys and the boss of a large scale mafia!" She scoffed. "Besides, it's Giorno we're talking about! That boy probably has never seen a lot of skin anyways."
"You're going with Bucciarati!" You huffed.

"Yeah, and? I plan on giving that man a nosebleed," She giggled. "But anyway, we need to find you a dress."

"What about this one?" You asked, picking a black dress that had a slit up the leg.

"No. C'mon Y/n," Trish sighed. She grabbed the edge of your shirt and lifted it up over your chest.

"Trish!" You screamed, slapping her hands away and tugged your shirt back down with a red face. "What the hell?" She probably just flashed the entire store with your breasts.

"Oh chill. I was looking at your bust size. Cute bra by the way," She said, making you hit her upside the head.
"What? I had to know so I could pick your dress out! Now turn around so I can see how big your ass is."

"Now you sound like Mista!" You squealed as she grabbed your hips and turned you around and hummed.

"Have you been working out or has your butt always been this big?"

"I'M NEVER SHOPPING WITH YOU AGAIN!" You screeched, jumping away from her and hiding behind some dresses. You heard her cackling from the next row as you buried your burning face into your hands. You always knew that girls were more comfortable around other girls, but you never expected them to be this close!

"Oh my god! Y/n, I think I found you the perfect dress! Come try it on!" Trish yelled. You sighed before emerging from your hiding spot and to her. She took your wrist and dragged you to the back of the store, shoved the dress in your hands, and then shoved you in a changing room. You shook your head at her as you heard the door beside you shut. She must have found her dress as well.

You stared in the mirror, smoothing the skirt of the dress out as you looked yourself up and down. It was black, and the front was split down the center, then connected to the waistband. It was lace and hugged your curves almost perfectly. There was a slit going up your right leg, ending right under your panty line. The rest of the gown pooled under you in a sea of black. It was beautiful.

"Come on Y/n! I wanna see!" Trish called from the other side, making you laugh. When you walked out, your eyes widened at her dress. It was a cream color and was strapless. Black lace covered the top and spread down the dress, past the waistline, and decorated the bottom. A white band was tied around her waist and the ends swayed as she walked towards you.

"Oh wow. It fit you a lot better than I thought," She mumbled, looking you up and down.

"You look amazing," You complimented, making her cheeks tint pink.

"Okay, okay. Let's change and then go shoe shopping," She said, ushering you back into the changing room. You chuckled at her actions as you started undressing.

Once both dresses had been paid for and the two of you went shopping some more, you stopped to get gelato with her. Trish was up at the shop getting the actual treats while you sat at the metal table outside with your bags. You were scrolling through your phone when a shadow passed over you. You looked up, thinking it was Trish, but your blood ran cold when you were met with a man towering above you. You jolted up in your seat, dropping your phone in your lap as you did so. The man stared down at you with a smoldering gaze, his lips pressed together with his jaw clenched. You swallowed hard, eyes traveling down to his hand that held a paper out to you. You looked back at him.

"Take the paper and don't say a word. We have no intention of killing you yet, Astarte." He said, jerking his hand as to gain your attention again. Slowly you reached out and took the paper and he turned around and left.

"Hey," Trish said as she came closer. "Who was that? He didn't bother you did he?" She asked, handing you the f/f gelato.

"H-huh? Oh, it was nothing. He was just asking for directions!" You said, slipping the paper and your phone back into your purse.

"Hm. He looked a little sketchy to me." She said, sitting across from you and shrugged. "Oh well,"

After a little more shopping and goofing around, you and Trish decided to call it a day and went back to the mansion.

"Geez, we bought a lot, didn't we?" You sighed as you pushed open the door and heaved the bags inside.

"I guess we did," She giggled. "Let's go put this stuff in your room,"

"Y/N, Trish~!" Narancia sang as he bounced down the hall towards you. "What'd you guys buy?"

"Nothing for you," Trish said, making him pout. "It's stuff for the ball."

"So you guys found dresses? What do they look like?" Giorno asked as you walked past the living room.

"You'll have to wait and see." You said, shooting him a wink over your shoulder.

"Well that's no fun," Mista said.

"It's no fun if you know," You countered, grinning as you and Trish ran up the stairs to your room to put the dresses up safely.

"HEY! GET DRESSED FOR DINNER!" Mista yelled up the stairs.

"Wear our new dresses?" Trish asked, turning to you with her hand on her hip.

"Sure," You giggled. "Matching?" She nodded and you laughed as she started searching through the bags.

Once you had both dressed, Trish was fixing up her hair while you 'straightened up in the bathroom'. In reality, you were looking at the note that you had been given. You were sitting on the edge of the tub, slowly unfolding the small slip of paper.

'We'll meet again soon, Astarte, or should I call you Y/n? You seem to take a liking to steal people's lives and make it your own. Who was it this time? An unwilling eighteen-year-old girl? It won't matter after much longer. You won't be possessing anyone else after we're through. Have a nice time at your ball. I'll be seeing you there.'

You felt all the blood drain from your face as your heart sank into your stomach. Your hands shook as you stood up quickly from the tub and started tearing the paper into shreds. You tossed it into the trash and grabbed the sides of the sink tightly. Your knuckles turned white from your grip as Trish called she was heading down and for you to hurry up. You called back saying you would only be a minute. You looked up in the mirror, watching as the lights in the room flickered and a shadow-like figure formed behind you. It held up a hand, pressing it on your back, right where your heart was beating. You winced as a burning sensation stung your back and made you flinch away. Your stand disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, leaving you in shock as you stared in the mirror. You quickly rushed out of the bathroom, shutting the door, and walked towards the stairs.

You really needed a drink.

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