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"Fuck," You hissed, squeezing your eyes shut as you clenched your jaw. Your entire arm was screaming in pain, the initial shock wearing down and leaving you with just the pain. You looked down, swallowing hard at the amount of blood running down your arm and the blood coating your hand. You didn't know how much longer you were going to be able to keep running. You were losing blood quickly, and your stamina was running low.

You tried fighting the tears that were welling up in the corner of your eyes, but it was hard with the pain that you were in. You controlled your breathing through your nose, taking in deep breaths and releasing them in shaky puffs. You peered around the corner, watching as the two men climbed over the edge of the roof. The two of them looked at each other and nodded before splitting up. There was only a minute or two until you were found. You had to figure something out quickly.

If not you'd be either:
1. Be kidnapped
2. Be killed
3. Both

You tensed up as you heard the gravel crunching under their feet as they neared you on both sides. They were only about a meter or two away. You contemplated the many plans swirling around in your mind, trying to see what one would work. You shifted slightly, cursing in your mind as you saw the tips of their shoes. You took a deep breath before your stand manifested behind you, grabbing you and pulling you into the shadows from the pillar. The two men came around the corner and looked at each other.

"She's not up here." The first one said.

"She must have jumped the buildings. Shouldn't be too hard to find with that gunshot wound. C'mon. We'll track her from the van." You watched as both men started back down the building, only coming out when they were completely gone. You fell back on the ground, panting and wincing from the pain.

"Your blood pressure is 85 over 50. It is dropping dangerously low." You looked up as your stand towered above you, looking down at you. "You need to receive immediate medical attention."

"No shit," You mumbled, grunting as you forced yourself to stand up.

"You've lost two pints of blood and are suffering from multiple contusions and various cuts that require sutures and cleansing." It said, watching as you stumbled before gaining your balance.

"I get it. I need to get help," You hissed, ignoring the pain as you looked around. You put your stand away before anyone could see it before making your way back down the building. You would occasionally have to pause and look around before heading back down the fire escape.

You jumped down, making sure the coast was clear before dashing from the alleyway. People jumped away as you ran down the street, probably because of the blood coating your shirt and arms. You continued to run down the street, searching around you to try and figure out where you were.

When you spotted a familiar red cashmere sweater and a holey green shirt, you couldn't even describe the relief that flooded you. They seemed to be talking about something serious as they started to get into the car.

"Mista! Fugo!" You yelled, gaining their attention and making them snap their heads up to look at you. Mista dropped the keys and ran to you, grabbing you as you collapsed in his arms.

"Y/n?! What the fuck happened?!" Fugo yelled, eyes wide as he took in your bloody form.

You couldn't respond because of your throat closing up when you looked over Mista's shoulder. Fugo followed your gaze to the van that was inching down the street. Mista didn't waste any time to hand you to Fugo and pull his pistol out and started shooting at the van.

"Let's go. Giorno should be able to heal you up," Fugo said, lifting you in arms. The blurriness in your vision was more evident now that you were able to relax. Fugo didn't even get to the car before you were out cold in his arms.


You peeled your eyes open as loud voices awoke you. Your mouth was dry and you felt stiff. Carefully pushing yourself up, you looked down at the shorts and tank top you were wearing as you removed the blankets. Your arm ached as you swung your legs over the side of the bed, rubbing the remains of sleep from the corner of your eyes as you tried to block out the loud voices coming from down the hall. You glanced up at your dresser, spotting a note sitting on top of it. You stood up and plucked it from the surface raising your uninjured arm to rake it through your hair to move it away from your face.

'I changed your bandages and changed your clothes for you. Hope you don't mind me sifting through your closet. -Trish ;)'

You put the note back down before heading to your door and opening it. The voices became louder as you walked down the stairs. The living room had been swept clean of all the glass and the old coffee table had been removed. I walked towards the voices, pausing in the doorway of the lounge.

Trish was standing between Giorno and Bucciarati, her hands out like she was preventing them from getting any closer. Mista was leaning against the wall, Fugo was sitting with a hand over his mouth like he was thinking, Narancia was attempting to get Giorno to sit, and Abbachio was standing beside Bucciarati. It was hard to tell they all were pissed off, especially your Capo.

"Sit the fuck down, both of you," Abbachio snarled, grabbing Giorno and forcefully shoved him down in a chair.

"Yelling isn't getting us anywhere. We all just need to calm down." Narancia tried to reason.

It was then Fugo noticed you standing there, hand gripping the doorframe tightly with a strained look on your face. He stood up. "What the hell are you doing down here?"

"Who the hell could sleep with everyone yelling like this?" Mista scoffed, pushing off the wall and walked towards you. "How are you feeling princess?" Bucciarati snapped his head to you, and you took a step back startling all of them by the look of fear that had just washed over your face. The gaze in the older man's eyes was nothing that you had ever seen before. It terrified you. It brought back bad memories.

"What the hell were you thinking?" He shouted, making you jump in surprise. "You could have easily been killed! Why would you run around all of fucking Naples instead of calling us?"


"I didn't save your sorry ass only for you to turn around and let you get killed again! Your actions were reckless, Y/n! Do you even understand how-"

"Stop it! Look what you're doing!" Trish yelled, moving everyone to the side as she came towards you. Tears were streaming down your face and you had lowered your gaze to stare at your feet, arms crossed over your chest as you hugged yourself tightly. Trish grabbed you and pulled you into her arms, holding you close to her as she glared at Bucciarati.


"If you don't remember, asshole, Y/n is traumatized!" Trish snapped, turning you away from him. You slowly circled your arms around her, burying your face into her shoulder as you stopped crying. You hated doing it.

"It was someone trying to get plans from Passione." You said, lifting your head so you could be heard. You broke away from Trish and wiped your eyes with your bandaged hands. "He broke in and was going to kill me since I saw him. I couldn't get to my phone to contact any of you or else I would have. He trapped me in the kitchen and then attacked me in the living room. I ran outside so I wouldn't be trapped in the house. I'm sorry I caused so much trouble for everyone and made you worry. Thank you for helping me, Trish and Giorno. I'm going back upstairs." You said, turning and walking away hastily before anyone could stop you.

You just had a habit of making things worse, didn't you?

𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩 ⚠︎ 𝙥𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧⚠︎Where stories live. Discover now