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There once a Boy named Ryuuta Yamano who have a big Grudge to his father or even to his own life. He had lived his life in a drastic and hard way. He became a delinquent due to his orphan-hood that started since his mother died.

He's a juvenile that takes his life into uncertain determination and drive his everyday life into harsh and hard reluctance to live with his father just for agreeable reason, It's to keep him  from starvation of course..

Along the way to his Irrational truce, He eventually met Yumi. A mysterious girl, in a place which he hated the most. 

The Hospital where he thoroughly profaned because of his bad experience rooted when he had not able to understand the word DEATH,, yet, It haunted him so desperately that he had denied to be in that place.

And as Ryuuta and Yumi started to bud an unlikely friendship, It turned out to be much deeper and much attaching. He became light-heart countering to his hard and cold old self. As Yumi, unintended  illuminating or infecting him with her optimism. Ryuuta, knowing his feeling was so strong, but for unknown reason, She declined his offered love of which he could hardly accept  her reason. 

For all the tragedy that had came over him, This was the most painful and hard to take enigmatic situation he had in. It was his last resort  for changing his views in life. The chain on his heart that locked out by the hands of time, have been wretched by th element that he could barely believe he could feel and a sense that he didn't know he had the heart to conceive it. 

However, a revelation took place that would take the tolls of his Cynicism sane. a CONCLUSION  that will change his entire life.......

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