Chapter 17 - Stay away Julian.

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*Alyssa's P.O.V.*

Im tired, beat, broken, hurt, scared, worn out...

What do they want from me?!?

What did I ever do to Julian to make him hate me so much!

I was bursting with anger inside my body when all of a sudden, Julian walks into the room.

"Hello Alyssa.." He says slowly. Now I can finally ask questions.

"What do you want from me? Huh! What did I ever do to you for you to torture me?" I asked/yelled at him. He started getting closer...

"Stay away Julian". I say keeping my distance.

"You wanna know what you did? Huh?" He asked. I looked at him like 'Are you stupid' Face.

"Duh. I was waiting for an answer for a week"! I exclaim with anger.

"Christina you hurt her. She's my sister. She likes Hayes. Hayes likes yo-". I cut him off.

"No he doesn't, He never did. Were just friends". I said. He came up to me and slapped me right across the face. "Enough with the lies". He said.

I just stared at him. straight in the eyes.

When he got close enough I took my chance of freedom.

I kicked him straight in the balls and ran out the door.

I ran.

And ran.

And ran...

*Hayes's P.O.V.*

I gave up on the police trying to find her. So I decided to tell my mom im going on a 'walk to the park'. When in reality im going on a 'hunt to find mister steal yo gurl'.

When I was walking I saw this big abandoned house, And a girl running out of it.

The girl looked familiar... To familiar.

I got a closer look and tears of joy escaped my eyes. But than the same guy who punched me in the face knocked her out and carried her back inside.

Tears escaped my eyes.

I can't go in there alone...

Im calling the guys.

*Cameron's P.O.V.* (Yas! About time this sexy beast gets some action)

I was hanging out with all the guys at starbucks acting like white chicks, when my phone started ringing.


Phone call:

[C-Cameron, H-Hayes]

C-"Hey man what's up?"

H-"Alyssa I found her!" My eyes went wide.

C-"Dude that's great, but we told you not to look for her!"

H-"I know im sorry cam, but I just needed to find her."

C-"So can you put her on the phone?"

H-"I can't.. That's why I called you.."

Oh dear..

C-"Hayes what happened." I sighed through the phone.

H-"A man came out of the bushes and knocked her out. He took her back inside."

C-"Okay whats the address?"

H-"Storman Creak." (Made up. If its real im going to laugh so hard.)

C-"Ooh spooky" I laugh through the phone.

"Dude who you talking to?" Askes Nash.

"Hayes". We got to meet him at Storman Creak. Fast". I respond.

"But Wh-" I cut nash off.

"No time for questions! Get your ass's in the car!" I yell.

"Okay okay geeze." They all mumble.

H-"Thanks Cam."

C-"No problem were on are way."

H-"Okay see ya man.

C-"Wait Hayes, Stay hidden till we get there. You don't want to be noticed."

H-"Okay later."

C-"Bye Has."

End of phone call

Once I got in the passenger seat I told the guys what's going on.

"What! We don't have any weapons!" Says Matt.

"Look in the trunk." I told them.

"Woah." They all say.

"Were gonna beat some ass with silly string, pocket knives and pans as sheilds." Says Taylor excitedly, causing the boys to laugh.

This is gonna be a very big,


*Alyssa's P.O.V.*

I swear when I was running I saw Hayes. Its probably just my imagination...

Im back in this creepy house again. But this time, Im locked against the wall with chains.

It's weird...

Sometimes you want to end the pain... But in reality.

You just,

want to be saved.

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