Chapter 1

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The rain pounded against the window allowing you to tune out the rest of the world. It's as if mother nature knew you needed to cleanse yourself of the past few months. You needed a
new beginning as soon as possible and today would be it. This was where you would forget him and start all over again. Once you boarded that plane you would do your best to leave it all behind,to forget until it no longer hurt.

Honestly, you had no one to blame but yourself. With every choice you made regarding Sam, there was no possible way that it could have ended well. You should have just listened to your friends and applied to strictly chemist jobs, after all that's what you spent years of your life studying. Instead, you decided to apply to be a nanny. Not just any nanny, Sam Dalton's nanny of all people. Sure, the money was better than any entry-level chemist job but your life wouldn't be upside down now. You wouldn't be leaving home just to start all over again in a new city.

Flight 391 now boarding. Flight 391 to Boston now boarding.

You take one last look out the window to take in the only home you ever knew, pick up your carry on, and board the plane.

The screeching of wheels jolts you awake. It was only an hour and 20 minute flight but your body must have been more exhausted than you thought. You blink quickly to try and get your bearings and realize your head has been on your seat mate's shoulder the whole time. The handsome gentleman sitting next to you takes off his headphones and smiles warmly at you.

"I'm so sorry! I did not mean to fall asleep."

"It's alright, you seemed like you needed it," he says.

"I guess so, that doesn't mean I had to use your shoulder though. I hope I didn't snore or anything."

" Even if you did I had headphones in so I probably wouldn't have heard it anyway. The noise cancelling works," he said with a smile.

You smile back, though guarded. He's handsome and there's something about him that makes you want to know more,but it's much much too soon. The pain of loving and losing hurts too much. Your smile falters a bit and he pretends not to notice.

"Are you from here?" he asks.

"No, I'm moving here to start a new job."

"That's always a good move. What line of work are you in?"

"I'm a chemist. It seems that Boston is in need of quite a few of them."

"Indeed we do. So I take it you like science and figuring out puzzles then?"

"Yes, you could say that. What about you? You sound like your from here. What's your line of work? "

"Yes, I've lived here for quite a few years so it's home. I'm diagnostician, so you could say I like figuring puzzles out too."

"Oh! That's amazing. Do you work at one of the large hospitals here then?"

"Yes, I do. I'm just coming back from being away for a while doing some work out of the country."

"I -"

Thank you for joining us today. We hope you enjoyed your flight. Welcome to Boston. If you are visiting please enjoy your stay and we hope to see you again soon. If you are staying, welcome home."

Your plane finally halts to a stop at the gate. Everyone begins to unbuckle their seatbelts and shift around to gather their things in preparation to de board. Your seat mate still makes no move to gather his things though.

He turns to you and asks, "do you mind waiting? I hate being rushed along with everyone."

"No, I don't mind. That's what I usually do too."

As people reach above and below and move along to filter out you can't help but think of Sam and wonder how him and the boys are and how much you miss them. You feel an ache in your heart. But you force the thoughts out of your mind. New city, new life. New city, new life. Your new mantra.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, sorry just thinking of all the things I need to do." You lie.

He looks at you inquisitively but doesn't push.
"I get it. "

Finally the aisle ways are clear and you're both free to move about and gather your things. He walks ahead of you with a commanding stride that he's probably had for years. He may be handsome but he's a stranger and you need to focus on more important matters. Like your new life, and your first day at your new job in a few weeks. Thank god your new company is giving you 2 weeks to get settled before you start, there's a thousand things you need to do. You're so lost in thought that you bump right into him.

"Oh I'm so sorry! Again. I need to really pay attention" you say sheepishly.

"It's alright. It looked like you were a million miles away. Anyway, I forgot to ask your name."

"Oh, of course. My name is Jenevieve. Yours?"

"Nice to meet you Jenevieve, I'm Ethan. Ethan Ramsey"

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