Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Walking along the path that I usually walk to go home, I entered through the door, removing my shoes. I was greeted with news me and my siblings were all too familiar with.

"get packing, we're moving to Miyagi Prefecture" my father paid little to no notice to my entrance other than the few words, as I silently walked past him, headphones still on my head, still listening to my music. "you actually came home today, huh?" my 'mother' laughed with pity.

We lived in a big mansion in a subdivision where security was a top-notch rating. A three-story house where an entire level was dedicated to luxury comfort and relaxation. It seems like a dream house to most, right? Well this place held a lot of unwanted memories. Doesn't really fit the 'home sweet home' quote people use to me. Which prone me to sometimes sleep in the nearby park's benches and don't come home qt some days.

"Miyagi Prefecture?" I place my headphones around my shoulders, "yup. Hurry up and tell your siblings" he sighed.

I sighed right after and went upstairs to where our rooms were located. I barged into my sisters' room, "pack up we're moving again." I stayed in that position for a while to see my sister, Satsumi, on her phone probably taking to her best friend. "again?! This is the 4th move this year, and its only July." She groaned. "see you later bestie!" she waved at her phone, throwing it to her bed and left her staring at me. "and who said you can even go to my room?! Get out!" she threw the nearest thing around her, a pillow, right at me. Fortunately, I had closed the door before it could've had closed the distance between my face.

I looked at my brothers' room on the other hand, Hiroto, and opened it. "pack up we're moving to Miyagi Prefecture." I stated. He was at the balcony of his room, as he turned his head to me. "what?" he shouted. I increased my volume and restated my sentence again. "oh- okay got it." He sighed. I closed his door and reached my room. Collapsing onto my bed, I stated at the ceiling for a few minutes contemplating. I eventually get up from my position and open my closet. It was filled with clothes and jackets. An entire set. Everything you needed, any clothing style you want is there. I laugh this off. I look around for a bit, and decide to only bring a few. Maybe one suitcase worth. And I'll just buy the rest of the clothes I need in Miyagi.

I packed the clothes and item I needed in my bag, the objects that rested on the headboards of the shelf above my bed, and paused once I reached a certain picture frame. A picture of a woman holding a baby in her hands in front of an old house. I smiled softly, and sat down on my bed, reminiscing the feeling.

"Mother, please continue to watch over me." I smile, a tear escaping the edge of my eye. My door suddenly opened with my brother asking a question, but stopping after seeing my pitiful state. "yo-" he stopped mid-sentence and ran up to me, "you alright dude?" he sat down next to me to comfort me. "I-I- yeah..." I laughed it off, wiping my tears off my face. He saw the picture I was holding in my hand, and realized the reason for my mood.

"bro, you have to move on. She's still with you and I'm sure she's watching over now right now." He sighed, taking the picture frame off the palms of my hand and placed it down on another desk. He sat next to be and gave me a long embrace. "thanks... that was very much needed." I laughed.

"you're not alone" he smiled. my arm wrapped around him back, burying my head in his arm. We both stayed in that position until he separated us, grabbing both of my shoulders. "I'm going to start packing up and you should too." He smiled and stood up from my bed. He walked out the door and there I sat on my bed alone again. I grabbed my bag and threw it outside in the hallway. "Alice?!" I shouted. A girl in a maid outfit walked around the corner holding a duster. She had black hair she wore in a high bun and blue ocean eyes. "yes, Sir?" she stood there in an orderly fashion as I replied, "please take this downstairs and load it in the car" I smiled. She nodded her head and continued to do so.

I watched her go down the stairs and I locked myself in my room once again. I stared at the other pictures in frames that covered my shelves. My mood changed sour, and rushed out my room and walked down in frustration.

"we're leaving tomorrow. Its sudden, but we have to" my father said. He was sitting on his plush couch with a cigar hanging from his mouth. "can I have one?" I asked, pointing at the cigar pack. "you're too young" he laughed. "just one." I said in a deadpan. He was obviously taken aback by my sudden request, but complied by throwing a cigar right at me. "thanks" I walked out of his smoking room and towards the kitchen where I could find a lighter to light the cigar. I eventually found one and walked outside to a secluded area of the mansion so the maids won't smell the smoke.

I sat on a bench near the garden and watched the blue bird's tweet and hum their songs. The butterflies fluttering through the green plants and the black cat that always showed up mysteriously in our garden. I let out a puff of smoke through my mouth and looked down to my shoes. "you're smoking again?" my younger sister, Aiko, walked beside me. "Aiko! Shouldn't you be packing up with Maid Sabrina?" I asked.

"yeah but we finished early." She shrugged and sat next to me. "Aiko, you're not meant to be here. You shouldn't be smelling this smoke. Go back to sister Satsumi" I lightly scolded her. Aiko is my 7-year-old sister. She likes to act more mature than she actually is, its kinds annoying at times. "you only smoke when something is troubling you, what happened now?" she curiously looked at me. "nothing..." I sat up and walked away from her so she won't continue to smell the toxins. But being the stubborn girl she is, she followed me. "stop following me." "no."

"just tell me what's wrong." She moved next to me following my walking pace.

"at the moment, I can't even decipher if something Is wrong with me or the world" 

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