Chapter 5

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"What brings you here?" I ask, mindlessly staring at the night sky, stars glimmering beside the moon. Tsukishima sneered, "why should I tell you?" I sigh, "I dunno... you tell me." I push the ground with my shoes which makes the playground equipment swing higher.

"How about you? Why are you here?" He sighed.

"And why should I tell you?" I smile, mocking him. An irk mark popped on Tsukishima's forehead in irritation. "I don't know. You tell me." He retorted back with his own cocky smirk. I scoffed, "whatever mr salt." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't fucking call me mr salt." He deadpanned at me. I wasn't really intimidated since I've been glared at worse in my past. "Why's that? I think it suits you." I sarcastically smiled. He sighed, "tch, whatever." He said, clearly annoyed while I giggled. "But seriously, what brings you here?" I asked in a more serious and curious tone.

"I come here when I want to read. So what?" Tsukishima gave in. Well I figured that much. "Why do you read here? Of all places." I further questioned. "I like the breeze." He answered duly. I shrugged his answer off and continued swinging. A wave of silence swept the place for awhile.

"How about you? Why are you here?" Tsukishima asked. I looked back at him, taking my eyes of the stars. "Me?" I laughed.

"No not you, I'm talking to that tree." He sarcastically retorted venomously. I chuckled at his joke, "of course I'm talking to you" tsukishima sighed. "Well I'm here because... I like this place." I lied. Even so, tsukishima caught me. "I can tell you're lying. You like this place? You're the people who just moved into this place yesterday."

My mouth was open as if I was about to say an excuse, but no words escaped my mouth. "Haha, you got me" I played with my hair, slicking it back. Tsukishima looked at me with a brow lifted. Was he pitying me? "It's interesting to see you in a different light." He said out of the blue. I looked at him once again. "What do you mean?" I tilted my head. "I don't know what I mean. You just always seems stoic
in school. Apathetic almost." He added. I laughed, "well I guess it's because most of the drama worth my emotions happen at home"

"So why are you really here?" Tsukishima asked again.

"What do you mean?

"I don't like repeating myself, and I don't like talking about other people's problems and shit so talk about it before I decide not to care again." He crosses his arms, looked at me, putting all his attention to me. I stare at him in shock, but complied.

"You know... what I'm about to tell you is... very private, so keep your mouth shut about this please." I fumbled with my thumbs. Tsukishima nodded reluctantly, as I continued to speak up.

"Well... you're one of the first people I'm going to tell this to, so-" I was interrupted by his voice "just get to the point." He sighed.

"Oh, well do you know that old man that shows up in the news papers with his successful kids and all?" He explained bluntly at first. Surprisingly, tsukishima got what I was saying.

"Oh, that guy who runs the Saiko inc. right?"

"Yeah... that guy."

"And where are you getting on this?"

"Let me finish" I nervously laughed. "Well, like I said. His real name is Mr Saiko. He's my adoptive father." I let out a sigh. Tsukishima's eyes widen expressing shock. "He- he's your father?"

"Yeah..." I look back up at the stars, and continue to tell him my story.

"Mr Saiko is always paranoid of losing his wealth, power and influence to this society, so what he does is he adopts 3 or 4 kids every time the other kid's he adopted before them turns 16.

He trains those kids to be successful when they grow up so they can be his money or influence makers. Basically to continue his "legacy". The three kids under his wing right now are


my brother Hiroto Sato who's from the same orphanage as me,

Satsumi Haiko who was Mr Saiko's colleagues daughter that died from overdose and he took her in to earn the extra money,

and my youngest sister, Aiko Tamashita. She's young than all of us by a lot, and she was an orphan in America.

Although all these information of the kids who are adopted by him are held secret. Well... until we hit 16.

Once we all hit the age of 16, our identities will be revealed on what we do and who we are, that we are the children of mr Saiko and we will be carrying his torch. You know how the public reacts to this. They go crazy to see who are the new kids who've been adopted by the almighty Saiko.

Our father chooses if our future will be good or bad. My sister, Satsumi is continuing business management which my father will probably accept, my brother is an aspiring volleyball professional, and me..." I stoped mid sentence.

"And what are you becoming?" Tsukishima said, Intrigued.

"Im unsure of what I should become. I told my father to pick whichever seems best for me, but he wants to assign me to be... an idol..." I sighed.

Tsukishima stood up from his chair in utter disbelief. "An idol?" He muttered. I nodded.

"Dont you have to start at age 10-11 to become one?!" He shouted. He quickly composed himself though, and sat back down. I looked at him nervously, "I thought that too. But apparently it takes 3-5 years of training before you debut so I could debut at 18 or 23. But if my father pulls enough strings... he can get me to debut in a year, right before I hit 16."

"Jesus Christ-" tsukishima mumble. "your father is crazy, that's impossible. And even out of all the other jobs or occupations, an idol?! what kind of coke-head father is that?" He rambled on about how unreasonable his decision was and all I could've done was agree. 

A/N: AHAHAH- i'm so sorry in hind sight I bet you're like "WTF that's so weird- why did the author choose this way? Ew" And honestly. I have to agree at the moment- BUT there is still more chapters to come so... don't worry :) 

IT WILL GET WEIRDER PFT- jkjk this actually has a planned plot haha 

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