Prolouge (part 1): A New Game Begins

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     As I take a hold of my existence, opening my eyes for the first time in what seems like ages, I realize something is off...I'm not in my bed...I'm not anywhere I recognize......I start to look around the room, crying when I see two girls sitting in chairs, also sleeping. "O-oh...h-hi....I guess..." they both started to wake up "huh? Where are we? And who are you?" The one in blue ribbons tied in the front of her hair said. "I could ask the same...who the hell are you?" The one with white hair, with one black stripe in her bangs, pulled back a bit in one side with a red scrunchie, who seemed to like gothic clothing said. "I guess I-I'll start...K-Keiko A-Akamatsu...ultimate conspiracy theorist...I think..." I said. This was weird...and...what did I just say...con...sp......ultim...ate...tal...I got it! I remember! I was going to Hopes Peak, the school where only the best of the best go...I was invited these must be my classmates,..right...?

     "Chia Aki, ultimate shitposter! Nice to meetcha'!" the blue ribbon girl replied. "Cel Batten...ultimate cult leader...nice to meet you two as well..." said the last girl. "Well, Cel, Keiko, I'm sure we'll be great friends!" Chia responded. I recognized these names somehow...especially the last names and talents...Aki...Batten...Cult leader...Shitposter....I recognize these names...I just can't put my finger on it...."s-so....are you students at Hopes Peak too...?" I asked, a little nervous for the response. "Mhm...." "Ye!" responded Chia and Cel. I....I guess we have classes together? Welp, Chia and Cel seem nice! But...."friends"....I...think should be happy about this, but that word feels bitter sweet...especially in this situation.... "Anyway, we should get to the gym..." I started. "We don't wanna m-miss assembly, right.....?" "Yeah, true. Ok, let's go!" Chia said. Cel nodded and followed us out of the classroom.

Note: AAAAAAAAAAAAA WHY DO CHIA AND I HAVE TO KILL OUR BEBEHSSS! This is gonna be fun,  but very painful to write...also, no . art . is . mine. It all belongs to FriendlyKnytTash .

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