Prolouge (part 2): A New Game Begins

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While stepping out, we came across a girl in brown hair with lines of grey in a messy bun, blue and grey striped sweater, grey skirt, mask, and round-framed glasses making her way to the gym. "H-hello? Wh-Where are you going?" I asked. She looked like she was in a bad mood, or hasn't slept in forever. "Kei Atsuko, ultimate scientist." she replied. Kei Atusuko....I feel like I've heard that name before.... after Chia, Cel and I introduced ourselves, she showed us to the gym. There, there where multiple people waiting. "Oh! I see someone new has come in! Hello, hello!" a small girl in a purple colored cat hoodie, hair in long twintails that where light brown fading into a darker brown, and slightly darker purple skirt with a laced apron said. Everyone started taking and greeting us. I couldn't handle the pressure of being someone in the center of attention in a place with over five people, so I left to look around. I didn't hear much of their conversations, but Cel ended up in the same place I was and asked "Hey, Keiko, you ok?" I just nodded in reply. "Oh come back in the gym you two! The entrance ceremony might start soon! Plus, these people are really interesting!" Cel, Chia, and I made our way back to the gym.

As soon as we got in the classroom, we heard an obnoxious voice say "HEY?! IS THIS THING ON?" Following, a deeper, calmer voice followed "Yes, yes it is. They can hear us." "E-eh?! Who's there?!" a boy with blonde hair and a blue jacket saod in a shocked voice. "I'm..." the obnoxious voice said. Then, we saw a blonde chibi-like angel hop out from behind the curtain. "Tenshi! Tenshi-Sama to you! And my sister is coming out soon. Be patient people, this'll take all day." "Shut up you annoying b*tch." a similar voice said as a long, dark grey haired chibi-like devil came from behind the curtain. "I guess you can call me...Kami-Sama..." " guys honestly look like midgets." Cel said. Tenshi seemed mad at this comment, but Kami didn't seem to mind... "I AM NOT A MIDGET! RIGHT KAMI?!" "But one, you are. Two, stop being annoying." "*le gasp* YOU CALL ME ANNOYING WHEN YOU'RE ALWAYS RUDE?! HOW DARE YOU-!" "Aight, let's annoy this brat." "BRAT?!" "Anyway, this form probably isn't very presentable to you, huh? My apologies. I'll fix that." With those words, Kami and Tenshi-Sama looked...normal...?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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