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"C'mon"... "Wake up"..."Circe for the love of all things sacred, We are going to be late"

"Eugh" She groans rolling on her side and clutching the duvet closer to her face.

"CIRCE!"I yell dragging the cover of her.

"Macey...Pleeease" She shines rubbing her eyes

"You have ten minutes before class starts and we really need to go" I say and she groans but slowly She slops of to the bathroom and gets ready. I smile feeling a small sense of control and make her bed as I don't think she will and leave the room. I walk into the living area and see Poppy with her head over her notes..Why She took notes in maths was beyond me we didn't even learn anything new. Kady was sat on the opposite sofa and was filing her nails... How more stereotypical could you get? A few more minutes pass and I start worrying that we are going to be late until Circe emerges from the bathroom and we are ready to go.

We head down the stairs following the flow of boys who seem to be heading the same way. Some of them still turn and whisper, but I honestly don't care We carry on following until we realise we don't actually know which room we are going to, Luckily Poppy remembers the map (I know right...) and we walk through a door at the top of some steps, praying we had it right. As soon as we enter the whole class turn to look at us, Luckily I see the guys at the side of the room waving us over. The teacher isn't in here yet so the others go back to mindless chatter.

"You alright ladies?" Lewis grins patting the seats the opposite side of the desk gesturing for us to sit down, We nod and sit across from them.

"So what lesson is this?" Kady asks looking around the room trying to get a hint of the subject.

"English" Brad says looking up from his text book that he had been scanning for the past few minutes.

"We can talk for a while, Old Larson never gets here on time, Some times I wonder if he's completely there" Ben says and we laugh.

"So..." Lewis says trailing off.

"What's your school like then, You get to see how we live yet we know nothing about your lives?" Dan asks us.

"It's basically the same, But we have boys and girls..and our t he place is less..mysterious" Circe says a small smile hinting at the corner of her mouth.

"Mysterious?" Lewis asks looking at her intrigued.

"Yeah, You have all these secret places and back entrances, Plus your classes are set out weirdly" She answers.

"Weird, How?" Dan asks looking round.

"You all face away from the door, As if there is something they don't want you to see"I answer.

"Oh, Well it just feels normal to us." He says shrugging.

"Can I ask something?" Poppy pipes up and we turn to look at her, "Why are you guys so cool with hanging out with girls whilst the majority of the school is somewhat mesmerized by our presence?" She asks, To be fair that was something I'd wanted to know.

"Yeah, The others act as if they've never seen a girl before" I say.

"Oh they have seen another girl before" Lewis smirks looking at Dan, Who just sends him a look back

"We just don't see them...often" Brad says, "Well I say We..." He again looks over to Dan who just shake a his head..Whatever that was all about I do not know. At that moment a short, podgy, Old, Balding man walked in carrying a brief case and plodded over to the desk at the front.

"Good morning class, Today-" He starts talking about some old English literature and I guess this is the Mr Larson they spoke of, I drift off into a world where I'm trying to figure out what those looks meant. Not that they are any of my business, But I'm curious..And I know they say curiosity killed the cat but hey why not live life a little dangerously.

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