Chapter 5

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The room was dark with dimly lit candles here and there, allowing others to see only the vague outline of their comrades. Floorboards creaked under the weight of the members that gathered, indicating where anyone might be. Against the walls, four desks were aligned seating the Elders. A witch's spell on the room prevented anyone but the Elders from seeing through the darkness.  

Suddenly, Elder Jorgen, who was seated to the very right, stood and called for the attention of his covenant. Elder Farkem, the next in line, then called for the attention of his covenant, with Elder Roekmar and Elder Sinarles following the motion. 

Silence came over the room as they listened for their leaders and waited. 

A deep baritone voice rang throughout the room. It was the kind of voice that crawled along their skins and made them shiver even in the boiling, cramped room. The voice came from all directions, neither far nor close, and spoke with the authority characteristic to a leader. 

"Speak," it said simply. 

"We have gathered in your presence, Arch-Elder, for the sake of saving our family." 

Elder Jorgen paused and, taking the Arch-Elder's silence as a signal to continue, addressed the covenants. 

"Sophie Callum is the reason we are here today. Sophie Callum is the reason we have to fear for our lives. We knew from the beginning what would happen when Samuel Callum, one of our greatest fighters, fell for that human and we let their creation live. That mongrel has always been different from us pure-bloods, always been a monstrosity that should never have been produced. And now, now we cower in fear for our lives from her. She is a danger to us all, a half-breed and an evil that must be stopped or more of us will die." Jorgen's voice rang out through the crowd in a contagious ferocity.  

"You have seen what that hybrid has done to its very own parents. Who is to say we are not next? Our men, our friends and family have died at the hands of that hybrid. First her parents and then our men, who next? It must be stopped!" 

Gasps and murmurs had collected in the crowd, fear and anger rolling in waves from them. They all whispered their worries and gave in completely to Elder Jorgen's condemning speech. All except for one woman who stood with a stoic countenance and skeptic thoughts. 

Unlike her comrades, Grace paid no heed to the Elder's words. She knew the truth. 

If she was afraid, it was for her friend. 

Nothing was as it seemed, not when the Elders were involved. She turned her attention when Elder Jorgen began speaking again, having composed himself. 

Elder Jorgen silenced the covenants. "If you wish to see proof of my words, someone can vouch for the hybrid's horrendous acts. Five of our men were sent to negotiate with Sophie Callum recently. Four of those men were killed, torn apart limb from limb at her hands. One of those men scarcely survived; he was found by one of the covenant nearly bleeding to death on the forest floor." 

Everyone turned their attention to a brightness that suddenly appeared, surrounding a hooded figure as if glowing.  

The crowds parted to let the hooded man among them pass until he arrived at the foot of the Elders. He walked slowly, a limp clearly noticeable, but stood as straight as a pole with his head held high. The man reached up with a hand covered in burns and pulled down the hood of his cloak. Gasps collected around the room. His face, once handsome and the source of his vanity, was marred by claw marks that from his cheek down to his collar bone. 

"My name is Cameron Ferine, I present myself to you, Arch-Elder, to report about the assignment of Sophie Callum. One month ago, I took four men with me, all expertly trained, to bring Sophie back to face the punishment for murdering her parents. She attacked us and we tried to defend ourselves against her attacks, but in the end we were no match for her. Her powers have grown exponentially, while her control over then has diminished even more so. A beast is what she was. She came at us with only her hands and fangs, but she also used a power more destructive than a pure-blood's." Cameron stopped for a second, hesitating. 

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