Elijah x Oliver pt2

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Elijah's POV (YAASS)

I closed the door behind my creepy father and swooped Oliver into a hug.

"Thank you." I muffled as I nuzzled into his neck.

"I should be the one that says thank you, I finally feel useful and loved Elijah." and I just stopped moving, did I really make him feel like that? Is that what he feels? I can feel my heart swarming in happiness! "D-Did I say something wrong?"

"Do you really feel like that?" 

"Like what?"


"I-I didn't- I'm s-sorry I know you don't w-want me I-I -" 

"Shhhh, I do want you to stay with me, and I feel this weird connection with you, and you can say no to me if you want and I know maybe you don't want to, or maybe it's to ear-"

"Elijah spit it out."

"Wouldyouwanttobemyboyfriend?" I said as fast as I could. He let go of me and sat on the couch, I followed and sat next to him.

"I would love to meet him?" 


"You just said 'Do you want to meet my boyfriend' and I said I would love to meet him."

"No, I said do you want to be my boyfriend?"

"Would you really let me be you boyfriend?"


"You are the kindest and nicest person I have ever met, and before I say yes I do want to say that I have scars that are not yet healed emotionally and it will take a while so I will need to take every step way slower than if you had a regular boyfriend."

"There is no such thing as a 'regular' person sunshine."

"I would love to be your boyfriend Elijah." I picked him up in my arms and hugged him like there was no tomorrow.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"I'm not hungry I ate this morning."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure" He's lying.

"I would like to go somewhere if you're up to that sunshine." 

"Yeah!" He ran upstairs and came back down in his ripped up jacket.

"You won't last a minute outside with that coat on Oliver."

"First of all Elijah this coat has helped me through the coldest times."

"I know sunshine but you are living with me now and I want to know that you are warm and right now with you wearing that jacket is making me think that you are going to be cold, and I don't want you to get sick. You wear this one and I will go get a different one." I took my coat off and handed it to him. He put it on and he had the biggest smile that I had ever seen on him. "What got you so happy?"

"You!" He said with a giddy smile. That made my heart flutter who knew I could make someone else this happy. I got my coat and we drove to a restaurant. Oliver had a confused face on  as we walked into the building.

"Mr. Russo! I-I didn't know you w-were coming today!" a waiter stuttered.

"Neither did I but here I am. Table for two."

"Yes sir!" She showed us a private room to sit in and then asked us our order.

"I will have a omelet with mushrooms and my sunshine will have french toast and bacon." The waiter walked away and I looked over at Oliver to see him looking at his lap.

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