06 || Her Name

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The young Tyto alba sits on a telephone pole just outside of Manhattan, sucking in the view and admiring its glory. She flustered her barn owl wings and hooted lightly at the sounds she heard. Rose loved feeling the wind hit her for the first time in her life, getting whiffs of the new smells, hearing things she's never heard before... She's been reborn and everything is all so new to her.

Rosita looks up at the night sky, seeing millions of stars glisten at her brown and blue eyes. Her owl eyes blink slowly before looking back to what is straight ahead of her. Rose takes in a deep breath, opens her wings, and lifts off to explore the city she is heading towards. She glides over groups of people below her, through gaps of buildings and noticing her surroundings are getting brighter and brighter. Soon, she saw Times Square.

She's in awe, flying through the city with her beak open in amazement.

She listened to the people below her speak gibberish, sirens, cars honking, she loved this. Rose is so curious, she didn't know where to land. There are so many beautiful lights here in the city. This place is so, so new.

Rose soars far and wide around Manhattan until something over the rooftops grabbed her attention. She hovers in the flight path she created and squints at the shadows leaping over the rooftops. She could see them moving quickly, and if they are moving that fast, then she should too.

The owl changed her adventure into a stalking game. She follows the shadow men across the city, doing her best not to lose them. She feels the harsh wind become raindrops poking her eyes the more she followed them.

Then, she sees they are leaving the city because it got darker and much more quieter. They're making their way to the docks in Brooklyn as the rain poured harder.

After flying toward these shadowy people, she lands on top of a light pole by the docks, shipping containers, and boats. She chirped quietly when she saw some people she doesn't favor very much. The Foot Clan is here, causing trouble.

She listened to Foot soldiers communicate while they move around the property of this place.

There's not much happening other than the Foot making noise with a bunch of lights around them. Rose just perched comfortably and witnesses their actions.

Just when everything seemed well with the move of chemicals, the Foot's leader, Karai saw a shadowy figure jump across one of the large shipping containers just near her and her men. She gasped when she heard soldiers yelling, and booms booming. Just seeing the size of these creatures, she panicked.

The shipping containers with the chemicals are being moved, scooting across the ground. Karai and her men can do nothing about it. These intruders are too big, they're too different, they're inhuman!

"Retreat! Retreat!" Karai demands as she runs back to the van with her soldiers.


"Go, go, go!" Leonardo urgently told his brothers.

Raphael jumps over to the next container in the rain, getting closer to the soldiers on the ground.

Michelangelo sneaks around until he found a soldier holding his gun up, ready to fire if he saw any movement. "You're goin' down, man." Mikey says in a low monotone voice. Just as the soldier turns his back, Mikey snuck behind him and snatches him into the shadows.

Raphael follows, grabbing another soldier of his own while Leo slams one against a container.

"Weapons free!" A soldier cried.

Once the Foot soldiers started getting attacked, it alarmed the rest of the group.

Donatello ran to one side of the shipping container, aligns his expandable staff to the face, presses the button, and watches the container launch violently. This spooked the soldiers and Karai terribly.

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