Chapter 1-Introducing Eloise

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Eloise: As you say goodbye to both your loving parents Mr and Mrs Rose you board the Hogwarts express and immediately go and find Hermione, you two have been best friends since year 1 and always sit next to each other on the train. As your walking through the halls to find Hermione the train begins to jolt out of the station and you stumble forward, but instead of falling flat on your face you are caught by someone...You’re scared to open your eyes but when you do you are greeted by these silver eyes and a boy in a pure black suit.

As you regain your balance the boy asks “Are you okay? You took quite the stumble” “Oh I’m fine, thanks for that…” you stand there awkwardly with your eyes looking at the ground with slightly flushed cheeks, to break the silence the boy asks “Sorry but who are you exactly? I don’t think I’ve met you before?” You laugh and say “haha funny because I’ve been here since the first year and I could say the exact same thing…” You shake your head gently and reach out your hand “I’m Eloise Rose, and you are?” “Draco, Draco Malfoy, It’s nice to meet you Rose”… “Oh! So you’re from the Malfoy family...I heard they can be particularly...interesting,” you say with a gulp hoping you hadn’t insulted him. “Yeah, you could say that I guess” As he stares down at his feet. "Well I really should be going, Hermione is probably wondering where I am” “Oh yeah, of course don’t let me keep you waiting” Draco says as he begins to walk off, As you turn away to continue your way down the carriage you hear Draco call out “Hope to see you around Rose” you feel a small smile creep up onto your lips so respond “and I you Malfoy” before turning around and walking down the carriage, what you didn’t know though was that Draco continued to stare at you as you walked away slightly smiling to himself. You finally find Hermione and open the compartment door to her saying frustratingly “Where have you been El it's been like half an hour since the train left!?” “Sorry” you say quietly, “ I kinda took a tumble and then got lost into a conversation with someone named Draco.” Hermione looks at you almost shocked “What?!” you say to her, “Cat caught your tongue?” “You mean to tell me El that you don’t know THE Draco Malfoy?” “No, why would I? You know I tend to keep on the down-low and don’t really involve myself with anyone besides you Herm". ''Fair enough El, but do you really want to get involved with him? I mean he can be such an ass to people so let me just say now I’m warning you” “Yeah okay I see what you mean” I half-assed said as she then began to go on about what we would be learning this year and how she’s already read most of the books, I just kind phased out by that point and stared out the window as the sun began to set over the trees...she might be my best friend but GOD! She really doesn’t know how to stop talking sometimes. I swear I must have drifted off because the next minute Hermione was standing over me slightly shaking me and then placing her hands on her hips “Gee am I really that boring huh?” she says giggling “No! Of course not” I say giving her a smirk...okay maybe sometimes, BUT aren’t we both?” I say laughing back. “Well come on then El, the carriages aren’t going to wait for us!?” “okay okay I’m coming!” I say as I stand out of the seat and walk behind Hermione.

back at the castle 

As Hermione and I separate to our house tables I go and sit down at the Slytherin table and she sits in her regular place at the Gryffindor table. Dumbledore begins to ramble on about the year ahead and who our new teachers are. I don’t even begin to listen and rest my head on my hands. Soon the feast appears in front of us and honestly, I am too tired to eat so I poke at some chicken on my plate. The feast officially ends and we are all able to head up to our dorms, I’m one of the few lucky ones that gets my own dorm (Guess you can thank my mother and father for that). As I open my door to my dorm room and I see that all my bags are there waiting for me along with my owl Kiki, I quickly owl my parents letting them know I made it back to Hogwarts safe like I always do, and begin to unpack my things. I struggle to contain the yawns that are coming out of me but I still manage to put all my stuff away and have a quick shower before bed. The hot water running down my back felt amazing and I was able to use my dreamy smelling rose shampoo to wash away any tension before tomorrow. As I lay there in bed with my dim twinkling fairy lights I had one thing on my mind that I had never had before and that in fact was Draco Malfoy. 

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