Chapter 19-The meeting

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Draco: Eloise and I ended up catching up a few more times before the meeting with the dark lord. It was now the night before the meeting and I was feeling at my worst. I hadn't had a wink of sleep the past couple of nights leading up to it and tonight was even worse. I ended up being sick tonight after eating dinner because my mother insisted I tried to eat something but it refused to stay down. I was hoping Eloise was alright, the night before her getting turned was horrible for her but tonight she must be absolutely dreading the worst. I decided to send her an owl to check on her, I wasn't sure if she'd get it but I was at least going to try.

Eloise: So here I am again. Hiding in my room from mum and dad because I didn't want them to see me in the state I was in. As I was getting into some PJs I heard a small tap on my bedroom window. When I opened it Draco's owl landed with grace on my desk and I noticed it had a piece of parchment attached to it's leg. I untied the string holding the note together and sat on my bed to read it.

Eloise, I hope you're looking after yourself tonight. I promise it's going to be okay, I love you. See you tomorrow. -Draco

It was a simple note but it meant the world to me. I went over to my desk and fumbled around for a piece of parchment and my quill and than begun writing out a response.

Draco, I'm doing okay. I don't think I'm going to be sleeping tonight but I'll try. I hope you're looking after yourself too. I love you, your the only thing that is going to get me through tomorrow. -El

I sealed the letter up and attached it to the owl before sending him flying out into the night sky. I completely lied in that letter, I wasn't doing okay I was absolutely terrified for tomorrow. As I climbed under the blankets I prayed that tomorrow would go smoothly and the dark lord didn't try to make conversation with me.

Draco: My owl ended up coming back pretty quickly so I knew Eloise was still awake. I scanned my eyes over the letter and smiled towards the end, she really did love me and I loved her. I lay in bed that night with Eloise's letter clasped in my left hand, the dark mark also tingling on my skin. I wasn't sure what was going to be happening tomorrow at the dark lords meeting but I'd hope whatever he wanted me to do wouldn't get in the way of me and Eloise.

Eloise: I didn't sleep much at all last night, I got up at about 5am and went down stairs to sit in front of the fire. Mum came down shortly after and came to me giving me a rub on my back. I looked back at her with pure fear in my eyes and she whispered into my ear "It's going to be okay, we will be there right next to you". I stared back into the fire and hoped she was telling the truth. When it was time to get ready I did my hair and makeup to look as formal as possible and put on a short black silk dress. I put on Draco's charm bracelet and mum and dad's ring before heading down stairs. Mum was wearing a black lace dress and dad was in an all black suit, such a fitting dress code. not. We then held onto each other and apparated to the Malfoy Manor.

Draco: I didn't sleep at all last night and I could feel the exhaustion in my bones. As soon as the sun peaked through my window I got up and started to get ready. I put on my formal all black suit, fixed my hair and sprayed my cologne. When I looked back at myself in the mirror I looked dreadful. The bags under my eyes really spoke for me, I washed my face with some cold water and then headed down stairs. As I did I heard a crack of apparation and knew that Eloise and her parents were here. I raced down to the door and opened up to see both her parents and herself standing there. I gave them all a small smile and welcomed them inside, I gave Eloise a hug and a kiss on her forehead before whispering into her "are you doing okay? did you sleep last night?". "Not really and no", I held onto Eloise's hand as it was now time to walk into the dining hall. I had never really been in this room before as I was never allowed. When I walked in with Eloise, mine and hers parents all eyes were suddenly on us and I felt sick. I gripped onto Eloise's hand tighter and she did the same. As I sat down next to my parents, Eloise sat next to me and her parents on the other side of her.

Eloise: I was here, I was sitting in the Malfoy Manor dining hall attending my first dark lord meeting and I felt that all the life had been drained out of me. Voldemort sat there with his snake Nagini and looked us all down like we were a bunch of peasants. "So glad you could all make it today, I trust you are all aware of the current situation's we are all having to work with?". Everyone nodded slightly and I followed, "now you'll notice we have two new members at our table today, Mr Draco Malfoy and Miss Eloise Rose both descendants from their trusted family house holds." I squeezed Draco's hand under the table harder as he said our names. "Now I'd like to announce that I have a certain task that needs taken care of. Before I can take over Hogwarts and fulfill my ultimate desires I need a certain head master killed". I felt my throat close over as I knew who he was talking about and I swear when I looked beside me Draco's face went whiter than a ghost. Voldemort than looked directly at us and I froze. "Mr Malfoy and Miss Rose, seeing as you are both students at Hogwarts I will be giving this task to both of you". That is when I felt my heart stop, he wanted me and Draco to kill Dumbledore. Draco side eyed me and I could see the hidden fear in his face, my parents also looked terrified but knew it had to be done. "I trust you two will not disappoint me, you have until the end of the year to complete the task, and if you don't succeed there will be very dangerous consequences for the both of you". Once he had said that we both nodded our heads in agreement and with an explosion of smoke, he was gone. 

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