Chapter 21-Back to Hogwarts

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Eloise: The rest of summer holidays flew by, and by the looks of the weather the leaves were already starting to dry up and turn brown. As I finished packing my trunk and putting Kiki in her cage I really just thought about not going back to Hogwarts this year and running off to Mexico or something. But I couldn't, I had to be there for Draco and I had to complete the task or else who knows what the dark lord would do us. I grabbed the rest of my bags and chucked them in the car and put Kiki's cage next to me in the back seat. Mum and dad drove me to Kings Cross station but couldn't wait around because they both had to go to work. As I walked down the platform I would hope I didn't see Hermione, I had no idea what I would say to her as soon as she asked the dreaded question "how was your summer?". Oh you know it was great...not, I thought to myself. But then when I looked up from keeping my eyes glued to the ground I saw the familiar white hair and silver eyes. I started running towards him so fast I felt like I could fly. He caught me in his arms as I knocked against his chest, "nice to see you too El" he chuckled. "Sorry I know it's only been 2 weeks since we saw each other, but god am I happy to see you!". He gave me a kiss on my forehead and grabbed my trunk and Kiki's cage for me. We both boarded the train together hand and hand and got a few suspicious looks from people but we ignored them and kept walking.

Draco: As Eloise and I found an empty compartment we sat down next to each other and Eloise flopped her head onto my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her and she happily snuggled in. My friend Blaise came in and joined us, it was alright he was a death eater too he just didn't know about the task we had been given. "How was your summers?" He asked us both with a smirk, "fine Blaise, I don't think you really need to ask us since you already know" I snapped at him. "Whoa calm down mate it was just a question". I rolled my eyes before looking down at Eloise, she had her nose in a book as always, guess it's for the distraction. Soon the train motioned out of the station and not many words were spoken after that. Blaise had left to go find Pansy so Eloise and I had the compartment to ourselves again. "Finally, he's gone" Eloise mumbled under her breath. "Was he bothering you?" "A little bit, I was praying no one would ask me how my summer was". "He's just an ass El don't worry about him" Eloise popped her book down and looked up in my eyes. "I'm scared Draco" "I know love, but we made a promise that we would get through this together alright?". "Yeah your right, it'll be okay" "that's the spirit!" I said as I kissed her lips softly. Soon the sun was setting beyond the trees and Eloise had drifted off on my shoulder, I think after this she's not going to get much sleep after.

Eloise: When we finally pulled into the station Draco and I headed for the carriages to Hogwarts. We both sat at the dining hall tables with my our mouths pressed into thin lines. This was going to be the last welcome back speech Dumbledore will ever give and only Draco and I knew that. The feast soon appeared in front of us but nor Draco or I wanted to eat. We poked at the food on our plate and ignored all the bustling chatter around us. When people started filing out of the hall we left so fast that neither Pansy or Blaise could ask us where we were going or what was wrong. I ran up to my dorm room and Draco followed closely behind me. I slammed the door shut behind us and let out a sigh of relief. Draco sat on my bed and I slumped down beside him on the floor. He then slid down to me throwing an arm over my shoulder. "This is going to be a long year isn't it?" I whispered to him, "Long doesn't even begin to describe El". We sat there with our foreheads pressed together eyes closed just the sounds of our breathing filled the silent room. Draco got up and looked down at me with a slight smile before asking "do you want to stay with me tonight?". "I really shouldn't, we might get caught...", "Oh who fucking cares El, come on we both know we don't want to be alone tonight". "Yeah your right, alright let me just grab my PJs and then I'll come, I'll meet you there". "Okay, don't take to long, oh and also bring some bathers" he smirked as he left my dorm. I shook my head as I grabbed my PJs, brushed my teeth and my bathers than left for his dorm. When I got there he had lit a candle that smelt of fresh green and apples and a deep cologne smell. He wasn't in his room but I heard water running so I went in the bathroom he had run a bubble bath. "I feel like we could both do with some relaxation tonight, what do you think?" "That sounds pretty perfect actually" I responded with a smile and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I got dressed into my bathers and got in the tub, he came into the bathroom in his swimming shorts and I blushed a little. It was the first time I had seen him properly shirtless, his muscular body and pale skin really said something for him. He got in as well and I decided to scoot over and lie against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and washed me with a face cloth and massaged my shoulders for me. I felt myself sinking into pure blissfulness, we sat there in the warm water for a while relaxing and talking about just a few random topics. When I got out he opened up one of his towels for me and wrapped it around me. He then left the bathroom to let me change and I did just that, when I walked out he had changed to and was sitting up in bed. I climbed in next to him and we snuggled up close to each other. We lay there for a while in the dark before Draco whispered to me "I know I've said it so many times before  El, but I promise I'm going to look after you". "I know Draco but I'll never get sick of hearing it" he kissed my forehead and we both fell into what seemed like an easy sleep.

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