Chapter 13.

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TZUYU pov.

Days and weeks passed, and I can tell that lot of things happened. We just finished the midterm and here I am in the field under the tree, laying and resting. I felt my phone vibrate and there's a message from Jihyo.

🎙Jihyo Unnie🎙
Where are you Tzu? We are already at the cafeteria, waiting for you.

I look at my watch and its already 11:45am. I decided to got up and went to the cafeteria. I stood up and was about to turn back when something hit my head and everything went black.

SANA pov.

I'm with Joy, Jennie, and Jisoo unnie right now. Mina, Nayeon and Irene unnie are already in the hide out and we are on the way there. But suddenly, Joy and Jennie stopped.

"I think this is the right time for revenge." -Jennie said. I confused of what they said and I followed where they are looking at. Its Tzuyu, laying on the ground. Joy walked away and then she comeback with a baseball and a bat.

"Guys, please don't do whatever on your mind right now." - Jisoo unnie said.

"Jisoo unnie is right guys. Don't please~" -I said. But they didn't listen. I looking at Tzuyu and she stood up. Then Jennie released the ball and it is batted by Joy. Then the ball hit on Tzuyu's head and she collapsed.

"Finally, we got the revenge. Let's go before anyone saw us." -Jennie said. Jisoo unnie and I was about to help Tzuyu  but Joy dragged me and so is Jisoo unnie.


"Let go of me!" -Jisoo shouted.

"What happened the four of you?" -Irene unnie asked. Jisoo unnie was about to speak but Joy preceded her.

"Well, we have some good news to tell -- " -Joy said and Jisoo cutted her.

"Good news? Is that a good news to the both of you?" -Jisoo unnie said, she really is angry now.

"Wait, I don't understand. Sana, explain what happened." -Mina said and she let me explain. I hesitated at first but I ended up telling what happened.

"They batted a baseball towards Tzuyu and she got hit then.. sh-she collapsed." -I said.

"Its a good news, isn't it? We got the revenge." -Jennie said happily. I look at everyone. Nayeon unnie was surprised, she doesn't know if she will be happy or not. Irene unnies was grinning. And Mina, I swear, I can see an anger to her. Then she quickly walked out followed by Jisoo unnie then me.

NO ONE pov.

Little they didn't know, two girls heard, witnessed, and saw what happened. After the 4 girls walked out, the two witnesses quickly help the unconcious Tzuyu. The first witness called the school clinic. Then they arrived with an emergency stretcher, they laid Tzuyu on it.

JIHYO pov.

We are here at the cafeteria and currently waiting for Tzuyu.

"Why Tzuyu not here yet?" -Momo said. "I'm hungry~" -she whined.

"Me too~" -Rosé seconded. Aiyoo this big eater. - I thought. But suddenly, a student approached me.

"President, something happened in the field. A woman was taken to the clinic because she was found unconscious in the field and there was a blood on her head." -student. Then Jeong and I stood up.

"Guys, we're gonna leave you here. You can now eat if you want." -I said. Then Jeong and I walked out. We arrived at the clinic and I am really shocked who's the person lying in the bed unconscious and has a bandage in her head. I quickly went over to the bed.

"Tzuyu!" -I shouted. "Who did this to you?"

"Nurse, what happened to her?" -Jeong asked the nurse assigned. I already texted my friends to go over here.

"Well, according to the witnesses she got --" the nurse cutted her words when my friends entered the room.

"Tzuyu? Oh my Tzuyu! What happened to her?" - Rosé said, she is now crying. She really is a crying baby.

"We don't know still what happened. So let's hear first the nurse." -Jeong said. "Continue Nurse.."

"So according to the witnesses, she got hit by a baseball and it hit her so hard that's why she is now unconscious. Don't worry, we already examined her and we found nothing cracks. So later on, she will wake up." -the nurse said.

"May we know who are the witnesses?" -I asked the nurse.

"Sorry but I forgot to ask their name. But they said, they will come here." -the nurse replied then she walked away. Seconds later, two girls entered the room.

"Annyeong." -the two greeted, we nodded at the two. "We are the witnesses. My name is Lee Chaeryeong and this is Shin Yuna, grade 11 class D" -they introduced.

"Did you saw what happened to her? Did you know who the person behind?" -Dahyun asked. We looked at them and waiting for their answers.

"Ne. Actually, we followed Tzuyu to the field. We would like to take a picture of her. But when she got under the tree, she took a rest. So we did not bother her and we decided to wait for her to wake up." -Yuna said.

"We were just on the bench near the tree where she was lying on. Later, four women arrived. We heard them talking. The short one of them said that 'I think this is the right time for revenge.' Then the other one said that they should not do whatever they think. It was like she's going to stopped her friend. The long haired one agreed. But then the tallest of the four walked out and then came back with a baseball and bat. When Tzuyu got up and was about to walk away when they bat her up and hit Tzuyu, she then unconscious." -Chaeryeong said. I am now pissed and so the others. Of course, we already know who are the person behind. Then suddenly, 3 girls entered. It was Mina, Jisoo and Sana.

"What are you doing here you criminals??" -I said with an anger plastered.

"President, they are not the one who hit Tzuyu. But that two was on the scene." - Yuna said and she pointed to Sana and Jisoo.

"Sorry Jihyo, we really tried to stop Joy and Jennie but we failed." -Sana said. Then Mina came over beside Tzuyu and she caressed her forhead. The others, especially Jisoo and Sana are surprised because of the sudden skinship of Mina towards Tzuyu. I can see to Mina that she is really worried to our maknae.

"Don't worry Mina, she is fine now. The nurse said that they didn't found any bone cracks in her head." -Jeong said.

"Okay guys, go back to your rooms now even you Jeong. Class gonna start any minute now. Don't worry, I will stay here for Tzuyu." -I said, then they all went out. But I noticed Mina didn't get out.

"I want to stay here too." -Mina said and I let her stay.

"Mina, I wanted to inform you that, even Tzuyu's parents are not here in Korea, they wanted to have a talk with you and your friends and your parents. Sorry Mina, we already informed Tzuyu's parents that you are out of this mess but.."

"It's okay. I am also responsible of it since I am part of the group and evil plans we've done." -she said cutting my words.


That's it! Chapter 13 is done :) and by the way, today is NAYEON unnie birthday so


××××author's note××××
Just wanted to inform you guys that I will not going to update for two days I think since I have something to do (personal stuffs). Hope you understand☺☺😍

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