Chapter Five : Best Friends Forever!

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I slam the van door shut with a huff, itching at my arm as a distraction from the anxiety I feel.

The door across from me also slams. Wrench walks around to my side of the van, heaving a duffle bag with him. He nods towards me then looks at the skyscraper standing tall before us.

"You okay?" he asks.

I nod, not entirely sure.

Hundreds of thoughts were running through my head. Would he even still be here? Would he have brought back up to his place now that he knew we were around? Would he even be in the same country by now?

My thoughts come to a halt as I feel a pat to my back,

"Seriously dude, you good?" Wrench asks, a concerned tone in his robotic voice.

"I'm alright, just... thinking..."

"Well, stop thinking," he nudges me. "You'll blow your brain out with all that face scrunching going on."

I roll my eyes and shove him with a playful smile, "can you at least try to be serious?"

He laughs a bit, "and what fun would that be?"

I shrug, somewhat agreeing with him. Without Wrench, I'm pretty sure my life would be more boring than an accountant's. And that's only if the accountant were a boring one and not one of those money laundering ones.

We proceed through to the building and repeat the dodging and weaving we had to do the first time we were here. Surprisingly, it was less guarded than the last time.

This, however, only made me more uneasy than before.

Once we arrive at Jakov's apartment, we see that his door is slightly ajar.

"That's not good," Wrench points out oh so helpfully.

We continue forward, pulling out our guns just in case a fight is waiting for us inside.

And surprise, surprise there was. Two guards were surrounding Jakov, who was seated in a dining chair with a gag hanging down from his ears to his throat. They were both glaring menacingly down at the blond, who was whimpering up at the intimidatingly huge and strongly built assumably FBI Agents.

"We're giving you one last chance, Wilson. Tell us where those pictures are and we won't beat you more than we already have." A female voice says. Just the way she says those words makes me want to give up my lunch money in fear that she'll stuff me in a locker.

"I'm telling you, I don't know where they went! They've been with me since the other night, I had them just yesterday! Even those douchebags who broke in here left them behind - they just... disappeared this morning and I have no idea why!" He says with tears in his eyes.

"Do you really think we'd believe such an excuse, Wilson? It doesn't help that you have a long history of insubordination. Frankly - I'm pretty sure no one, in particular, would care about you... disappearing for a while." Another voice, a male one, says. Now he sounded a billion times more friendly than the woman did. If he didn't just threaten Jakov's life I would have thought he was Santa or something.

"Please, Val, Quin - you two are my friends! You can't turn your backs on me now, we've known each other for years!"

"Oh, don't try to pull that card on us, 'friend'. You lost that chance the second you decided to betray us," the man chuckles.

"I didn't betray you!"

"I think we've heard enough from you, Wilson. Say hello to your family for us," the woman says, raising a gun to his forehead.

We're just friends! (Wrench x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now