Chapter Six : The New Dog

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"So... what do we do with him?"

"... we could sell him on the black market."

"Do we need that kind of money?"

"Not really, but I've always wanted to sell a person."

I roll my eyes but let out a tiny snort. Jakov, who was sitting cross-legged across from us, was not impressed.

"Are you seriously joking right now? At a time like this?!" He growls oh-so viciously.

"Of course we are, who do you take us for? Professionals?" Wrench replies, fidgeting with the bandages wrapped around his stomach. I swat at his hands and he immediately stops.

Jakov slaps an uncuffed hand to his face and I could tell by the distressed look on his face that he wasn't able to decide whether he should stay or whether he should risk his chances of the FBI snatching him.

"Look, Jack off-"


"Don't interrupt me. Jack off, you have nothing to worry about. We're gonna need you for the next part of our plan so you don't have to worry about us selling you off to someone overseas." I say, packing away the leftover bandages and bloodied cotton balls from the budget patch-up job I did on Wrench.

"Well... that's a... relief."

"However, that could all be off the table if you ever even think of betraying us - right, Wrench?"

I look over to Wrench, who had been uncharacteristically been quiet the entire time I started talking, and see somewhat amazed and dumbstruck... body language all over himself.

"Who are you and what have you done with the real Y/n??"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Why are you so confident and badass? My Y/n would never act so cool."

"Back me up already, you can freak out later."

I look back to Jakov and he's already gone back to trying to uncuff himself. I throw a box of bandaids from the medkit at his head and he yelps. Wrench lets out a loud laugh, which I can't help but join.

"Alright wingus and dingus, what have you two done now?" Sitara grumbles, stomping her way into the garage.

Wrench gets up from his spot besides me and opens his arms, "Sitara, my best friend in the whole wide world - what's going on!"

"Cut the crap, Wrench. I haven't had the greatest day and I just want to go home and get some sleep, so tell me what kind of shit you've gotten yourselves into."

Wrench visibly gulps before holding his arms out towards Jakov, who was now cuffed to the towbar of the van we rode in.

"Picked up a new dog, we just thought you wanted to meet him."

It's quiet and I can feel a drop of sweat sliding down my forehead. Sitara breaks the silence by waltzing over to him, her arms crossed over her chest.

"So... you're the one who tried to sell us out to the FBI, yes?"

"Technically no, but in a sense I guess-"

"You're the one who tried to take pictures of my team's faces and give them off to the FBI so they could go and find us... yes?"


It's quiet once again for five long seconds. Wrench takes the time to walk back over to me and take a seat at my side.

I suddenly hear a yelp and I look over to see a pained Jakov writhing on the floor, and a smirking Sitara standing above him. After this, she pulls Jakov by the ear and whispers something to him. Her words make his eyes widen and she pulls away from her grasp, near sobbing. After this exchange, she throws a glance to us and we both flinch away. She then walks out the garage door and the quiet returns.

"God she scares me."

"I couldn't agree with you more."

We all sit together in a triangle. The three of us got over the initial shock and fear of the sitarasaurus-rex in action and we were now discussing/interrogating Jakov about the trouble he was in.

"You're not gonna get in any more trouble than you already are so the least you could do is give us a little information."

"You neglect to add that 1. You could easily kill me any second now so I don't see why I should share anything - especially when I have nothing to lose and 2. I could most definitely get into even more trouble than I ever have in my life, not only with the FBI but with you psychopathic freaks!"

"I swear, you threaten to sell someone one time and you're suddenly a villain for life," Wrench complains, throwing his hands into the air.

"Look, all I know is one of my bosses was given a job from someone outside of the agency to have someone else - preferably someone under his order, meaning me - to take a few pictures of a couple of teens partying down at a specific beach in San Francisco. I only found out who you guys were the day after. I was supposed to move out of my apartment so I didn't have any time to download copies of the photos. But you guys wouldn't be able to track me down but it was too late, obviously."

Wrench and I share a look but don't say anything.

"... anyway, because of the injuries you two graciously gifted me with I had to go to the hospital. Because of that, I wasn't able to get out of the apartment. When I finally got back, those two assholes were waiting for me. Then you two showed up and everything went to shit. That's all I know, I swear. I don't know who gave the job, I don't know why the other two agents were at my place or who sent them - I'm just as clueless as you two."

Wrench and I sit together in thought. Taking in all the information.

"Alright, so we got two new bits of information - someone came after Jack off, so he's probably being hunted as we speak..."

"... and someone gave the order for him to take those pictures. Someone outside of the FBI."

"So we'll have to take care of the big boss plus whoever ordered your little agent friends to take you out."

"Question is, how do we figure out who they are..."


Hiiii, so..

I thought the other story got too long so I might put that somewhere else (I don't wanna clog the whole book with extras), so I replaced that chapter with a story chapter! Ill try to post another one tomorrow and hopefully I'll get back on schedule.

Also, if anyone wants to get a shout out in my upcoming chapters comment so I don't take you guys by surprise, haha ❤

Lot's O' Love💕

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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