My Kookie (Jungkook)

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Yes! Finally, I have made my first chocolate chip cookies! It's my first time actually making chocolate chip cookies after 55555 tries.

I've been starting to bake due to boredom, and fortunately, it was a success!

The smell was really good, really really good I was confident it tastes good.

I texted Jungkook, he was my friend who lives next to me. We were basically friends ever since I rented this apartment next to him.

He was a cute boy, I mean a man haha. I won't deny that, girls in this building would leave gifts outside his door anytime, like literally anytime.

[Sure I'll come. Give me 5 mins! 😊]

Jungkook replied back to me. Hehe I have to ask his opinions about these cookies.

I got a banana milk from my fridge. He likes banana milk. Thinking about it makes him childish but I like it. 😊

*doorbell rings*

I immediately opened the door, now facing a cute, handsome bunny. His smile is making his face so bright.

"Yow, why'd you call me?" He says as he enter my apartment.

"Mmmm, is that cookies??" He asks before I could even say anything.

"Yea! That's why I called you, I baked my very first successful chocolate chip cookies!" I say and bring him to the kitchen where the cookies and milk are waiting.

"Oohhh I'm excited to taste!" He says and quickly grab a cookie, munching it in his mouth.

His face told me it wasn't good.

"Why does it taste... so bland?" He says.

"Bland? How come?"

"Actually no, its undercooked."

"Yah, really?" I can't believe it! I got one cookie, stuffing it in mouth. It tastes...

"It tastes so good! What do you mean it's undercooked?" I glare at him.

"Just kidding! I just wanted to tease you hehe you're reaction was priceless hahaha!" He says, drinking his banana milk.

"Hmp, bad." I just ate my cookie. Told yah it taste good.



"What cookie is better? Me or this?" He says, holding a cookie.

"Wha-what?" What does he mean?

"You heard me. What's the better cookie?"

I don't know if Jungkook's okay, but he's kind of acting really weird. Does he mean his nickname, Kookie? I smiled.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Nothing, just eat the cookies."

He started walking towards me, which I didn't mind because I thought he was just going to pass by me...

But I guess not.

He stopped right in front of me, staring at my eyes intensely. Ummm...

"W-why?" Why am I stuttering?

He came closer, whispering something to me.

"Can I eat you instead?"


"Yah!" I pushed him slightly.

"Stop being weird."

"I want to be your Kookie." What?

"What do you mean?"

"Let me be your boyfriend."


I don't know if I heard him right. I guess I did. But I just can't believe it.

"You... Are you sure you're not sick?" I said, putting my hands in his forehead.

He grabbed my hand, intertwining his.

"Stop changing the topic. Let's date."

Aish, why am I feeling nervous? 

My mind:
1. You like him
2. A handsome guy is asking you out
3. You are thrilled
4. You like what's happening

Ok no, shut up mind. Shut up.

I cleared my throat, being speaking to Jungkook.

"I still don't get why you're suddenly asking me out. We're just... basically friends." I said, he's expressions changed. From that cute guy asking you out to a guy who is very angry.

"That's what you think. I see you as a lady- My Lady. I like you okay, is that not enough reason for you to call me your Kookie?"

That struck my heart, hard.

I don't know why but I feel happy and nervous and worried and happy again, just, I'M SHOOK!

He let go of my hand and took two steps backwards.

"Nevermind. I probably scared you. Just forget everything I told you."

What do you mean? How can I forget what he just said? It's basically staying in my head... and heart.

"No..." He looked at me.

"Uuhh..." He raised his eyebrows.

"Can you just court me?" Did I just say that?

A simple girl like me, just told a cute guy to court me. What a joke.

I smiled when he showed his cute bunny smile. Aah.

"Then can I ask you a favor as I court you?"


"Call me 'My Kookie'."

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