Part 1

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*Beep beep beep beep*
"Alison come on get a move on sleepy, it''s your first day!!" I groan and sit up on the makeshift bed, ever since I moved in with Missy and Haley I've been getting used to sleeping on various different makeshift beds; the couch, sleeping bag, sharing beds but finally we all chipped in and bought a camping bed.
The sun is breaking through the windows and I know what that means, it means i finally have to get up and put on my new school uniform. I'm lucky missy and Haley are both here for me starting Ackley bridge they've already been in the school for years now so they can show me the ropes. "Alright alright missy I'm up , i don't know why you insist on me even going in it's not like we have anyone here to make us", Missy  looks at me as if I've just wondered why the sky is blue "Are you insane of course we have to go in 1- it's the first day and 2- social would  come knocking with the click of a finger if we bunked off", I know she's right I almost feel bad for acting ungrateful. After my mum relapsed back into the drugs Missy and Haley agreed to take me in, it took a lot of convincing social workers especially because of the lack of bedrooms but thankfully Aaron and Miss Carter were able to swing it in my favour, only if I behaved and I'm being offered "support" from the school, I've heard it all before.

I pull on the uniform as Missy does her hair and Haley piles on the foundation and contour, I almost laugh at how much effort they put into getting ready. "Are you sure you're allowed to wear makeup and your own jackets?" In most of my old schools these were strict rules and I didn't want to get in trouble on my first day. "No Miss Carter' usually not to strict with the uniform thank god, can you imagine if I couldn't wear in me eyebrows, I'd have to leave school" I burst out laughing at Haley the funny thing is I know she probably would drop out if she couldn't wear her makeup.

We set out on the walk to school, Missy says Aaron normally drives them but she wanted to give me the full school experience of walking in the gates, not that I especially cared but I amused her even so. Plus Aaron was still snoring in him and Missy's room.  Nas met us in the alley, I liked Nas a lot, I had met her a few times when I visited the girls in the summer. She's not the type of girl I would expect Missy to be so close with but I'm almost jealous of their friendship. I've never really had anyone who I'm close with, I mean I have Missy and we've grown ever so close since I moved in and Haley and I get on but I've never had a "friend" someone who isn't related to me and I can actually talk to about my life. All my friends back in Manchester just went out and drank and talked to boys they didn't get much deeper than that and when my Mum abandoned me they didn't seem to care too much.
"So is they're any fit boys that I should be introduced to"  I say trying to start up a conversation. "Well I wouldn't be much good to tell you considering the circumstances" I know Nas is lesbian, it doesn't bother me at all to be honest I think it's kind of cool I've never had a gay friend before! "There's only immature children, I've always been into the older guys, they're more experienced well at least Arron is ! "Missy, you do realise that's my brother you're talking about, we don't need to hear it!", Nas replied and we all laughed.
"Riz is well fit, but leave him to me Alison"
Missy was about to scold Haley for her comment when WHACK a football came flying towards her face and hit her right in the nose.
With that she went screaming after the boys football team and I was left with Haley who went running to her friends.
Great all on my own, what's new. Mrs Carter seen me and bounced over asking me to come for a chat in the office. Mrs Carter is very pretty and has a great figure Missy told me Mr Bell and her are together but I don't know who Mr Bell actually is.
We go in and sit in her spacious office "Now Alison, welcome to Ackley Bridge I'm sure you'll get on great here, your results from previous schools show me your strong in English and Art, I'm sure you'll love our English teacher Ms Keane, she's great with students"
I'm not exactly sure what to say back to her so I just settle on a simple "Thanks miss". "Well then here's your timetable for today, I'll show you to your first room you have English and then I will pick someone in your class to perhaps operate a buddy system so they will show you around the school". My heart drops "a buddy system" how embarrassing, if being the new kid isn't  enough I now have to trail around after someone who most likely doesn't even want me there. "Miss can I not just get Missy to show me or perhaps Nas"', I'm sorry Alison but Missy and Nas are only in your English and Science classes so it's not ideal, don't worry you'll settle perfectly it's just for the next day or two"
With that we headed off to the first class of the day and I was sweating all over.

Hey guys this is my first proper story so please be kind and give me your feedback in the comments! I love ackley bridge so I want to do it justice and try keep the characters as true to themselves as possible also the only character that is mine is Alison nobody else! Thank you for your support 💓

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