Part 5

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Jordan and I set out but I quickly realise I have no idea what he actually wants to do. My experience of hanging out with Jordan so far has consisted of having around park benches and rugby dugouts, so I'm not expecting anything much.
Jordan seems to be chilled out, he looks good wearing denim jeans and a black hoodie.
"So where do you wanna go" I ask
"I thought maybe into town?, I'm pretty skint but we could go get some food? Only if you want to" I try hide my amusement at how nervous he seems and I quickly realise perhaps he's not used to doing this with girls as much as I think he is. "Yeah that would be nice, I've only got a tenner but we'll find something".
"You look good" Jordan said looking me up and down.
"Not to bad yourself handsome" I say blowing a kiss from behind, he laughs at me then. I love seeing him laugh. As we're walking out of the estates of houses and into town, a girl comes our way pushing a buggy. She's rough looking, bleached blonde hair, scruffy clothes with shopping bags all around her. She can't be any older than myself, god what a life for someone so young.
Jordan seems desperate to tell me something as she approaches and quickly stammers
"Hey so remember that girl I was telling you about- Candice"
"Um yeah the baby mama?" I say giggling even thought I probably shouldn't joke about it but I think Jordan prefers it when I don't sympathise him too much. This time he doesn't smile "This is her coming now just a heads up" . Suddenly I have an awful realisation and I feel bad, she could have easily heard me, what's wrong with me? I can tell she notices Jordan just as we're approaching and she smiles at him. When she sees me her eyes squint in confusion.
"Jordan, and who's this?", she doesn't say it in a particularly unpleasant way, more curiosity but nevertheless I feel like an outsider.
"This is Alison she moved to our school this week, have you not seen her?"
"Nah little Jamie has been sick hasn't e, haven't been in"
"He's a lovely baby" I manage to try and join in,
"Thanks babe, so where are you two off to then?" There's a slight hint of jealously in her voice and I can tell she feels put out.
"Just into town"
"Right we'll see you then oh and Jordan tell Cory to pick up his phone yeah? He promised me money for Jamie's new stroller"
"Yeah I'll tell him" Jordan says this while practically dragging me away with him.
He's now walking quicker than before with a mean look.
"She seems nice"
"She's alrigh,"
"What's wrong?"
"What makes you think somethings wrong?"
"Um I have eyes"
"Candice, she's off her nut if she thinks she's getting any money off Cory" "That baby means nothing to him only if it suits him" I just stand there while Jordan lets it all out of his system. My heart breaks for him. He's shouting now . "It's always been Cory this- Cory that he has fucking everything and what do I have? Eh what do I have? Fuck all"
I can't get any words out, it's clear Jordan hasn't let any of this out in what? Over a year? Before he can continue I grab his flailing arms and engulf him in a hug. I can tell he's shocked but I don't let go and eventually he accepts it standing there limp.
"I'm sorry"
"You don't have to apologise"
We don't speak anymore after that, I let go of him and without making eye contact we slowly entangle our hands together and keep walking before we're into the hustle and bustle of the shops.

I haven't had this much fun in years I think as Jordan and I are walking back home. It's five o'clock now and the summer evenings are beginning to fade away and it becomes darker quicker. I don't want the day to end, not ever. I want to stay like this waking through the alleyways with Jordan Wilson for the rest of my life.
He walks me to my door, suddenly I'm lost for words.
"Well bye then" I can hear my voice drop as I say it and I curse my choice of worlds.
"Bye" Jordan gives me a soft smile.
Just as he's walking away he turns "Alison?"I don't know what he's going to say, I don't care. The minute I hear my name I run over to him, hold onto to his forearms and press my lips onto his. He pulls me closer holding onto the side of my hair, he's messing it up but I don't care. I lightly pull away dragging his lips with mine. We smirk and with that I run inside leaving him standing under the streetlights.

Hey guys I really really really enjoyed writing this chapter! I hope you enjoy reading it again I'm trying my best so I'm sorry if you don't think it's good :)
A x

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