Part 34

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"Where are you going?" Lara asks,
"To the play practice" I reply to her walking towards the school hall as she walks out the gate. Her face falls slightly and her eyes dart backwards and forwards. "Well how about we meet up later today?"
"Oh- I think I just want to get an early night perhaps another time I say shutting her down" I really don't want to hang out with Lara tonight no matter how bored or lonely she is. She sets off scowling and I know she'll probably make me pay for this at some stage but I don't care. I put my not tired face on and set off to play The nurse! I know I sound like a serious nerd but I really love Romeo and Juliet, I can't wait for the actual play to commence, even though I won't have anyone in the audience..
I can hear footsteps coming up behind me and suddenly a hand slaps me on my bottom. "Ouch!" I say turning to a grinning Jordan. He got put into Isolation again today for giving cheek to Mr Qureshi. "How was your day, trouble" I say pushing his face away,
"Shit how was yours?
"About the same, I thought Lara might get bored of me by now but she seems to be hanging on"
"For gods sake Alison if you really don't like her that much just tell her!"
"It's not that easy Jordan.."
"Why?" I turn my face away. "Because" I mumble grumpily. Maybe I feel like I owe something to Lara, she's the only person who I have any ties to from back home and in a funny way I feel like i want her to like me..whenever she doesn't make a comment or say something nasty I feel like I've achieved something..her approval, Jordan would never understand this I wouldn't even try to explain it. I'd be wasting my breath.
He sighs deeply, "aren't you a little early?" He says faking the sound of easiness in his voice. "Yeah but I want to practice my lines before we get in I haven't had much chance"
"You know, he pulls me into the corner on the deserted corridor, leaning in close "I could think of ways to pass the time"
"Jordan.." I say hesitantly, feeling his hand moving farther and farther up my skirt. I'd want nothing more than to leave all my inhibitions to the wind with Jordan but I know I can't..not now anyway. "We can't not here" I say back, pulling his hand away. He groans loudly, "your no fun"
"Excuse me mister!" I say offended, "have you never heard of- leave them wanting more! I say lightly tracing my finger over the outline of the seam on his crotch, he closes his eyes tightly and I relish in the power I have over him. I push down carefully one last time and without another word flounce off to the practice hall.
Jordan runs after me his face slighter redder than it was before!

"Oh my god look!" I whisper aghast, Jordan lifts his head looking through the rectangle of glass, like I did before him. "Shit man!" We both look each other disconcerted. Jordan goes to take a picture on his phone, "Don't Jor,!" I say still in shock. "Why not? We might get better grades with this!" He says taking one anyway. I frown at him but I'm more occupied trying to stay hidden. "He's married Jordan!" I say in shock. "I knew something was going on with them!"
"Do you want a prize?"
"Well- didn't I say? Just shows i am VERY good at reading people"
"Well to be fair it wasn't that hard, they do hang around each other like bad smells"
"You're one to talk- you never leave me alone!"
"Oi you! It's the other way around I think" Jordan says in mock hurt. "Jesus.. I say looking in again giggling, "there proper going at it... oh wait..there..GET DOWN" I say pushing Jordan away as we run into an empty classroom.
"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?!" A voice shouts, "shit" i mutter not nearly as quiet as I wanted. It turns out the classroom wasn't  as empty as I thought and Mr Shah is now standing over the two of us hands folded.
"Sorry sir..we just- I just fell" I say stammering over and wiping my knees for effect.
"Fell into the an empty classroom?, because it looked to me like you ran in through the door" I desperately scramble for another excuse, I poke Jordan in the side desperately wanting some help but it looks like he's gone blank and all. "We- we were looking for Ms Keane- to do the play" he grumbles.
"So you didn't fall?"
"Well we fell while looking for her?..." I say hopefully. Mr Shah just frowns even deeper, the lines making dents in his head, I make a mental note to have a discussion with Missy later about what plastic surgery he could have done to make himself look fresher. That's one of Missy, Haley's and I favourite games, we just call it plastic surgery, Nana loved it too she would do it even when we weren't there, picking random celebrities from the telly. Only Nana would say Holly from This Morning, would look better with some lip filler!
Mr Shah bounds out of the classroom looking around the hallway, he looks like he could swipe us away with one flick of his arm. "Does he want us to follow him?" Jordan asks me confused. I laugh, "I think so, he's such a physcopath!"
"YOU TWO ALONG WITH ME!" He says running back and shouting through the door. We simply burst at this, he looks so distressed and angry that it's possibly one of the funnier moments I've had in school. I think he might just slap Jordan into next week but instead he storms away again and we follow our cheeks pushed up from the laughter.
"Oh Mr shah!" Ms Keane greets as she and Mr Qureshi emerge from the hall together. Jordan and I exchange a knowing glance smirking.
"Something funny you two?" Mr Qureshi wonders, perhaps we could have been a little more discreet with our secret knowledge but then again so could he!
"Well as a matter of fact that's what I've been wondering, these two managed to "fall" into my classroom sputtering and GIGGLING" he says turning to me sternly causing me to snort.
Ms Keane smiles back but quickly stops herself when Mr Shah, looks at her expectingly.
"I'm afraid Alison and Jordan seem to getting into their characters a little too soon perhaps you could excuse them this once Mr Shah? I look at her gratefully even though I don't agree with what I've just seen. Ms Keane knows full well Mr Qureshi is married why would she do this? The heart wants what it wants but..not always in Ackley Bridge.
Ms Keane pulls us inside the hall and Mr Qureshi sneakily waves her goodbye, while Mr Shah looks less than impressed. Clearly he wanted myself and Jordan to suffer a little more than we actually did.
"Seriously what is it with you two! Jordan don't you think you've been in enough trouble today?" She asks fondly, clearly snogging each other's faces off beside our Romeo and Juliet scripts is not the only thing Mr Qureshi and Ms Keane have been up to.
After about ten minutes all the others start to pile into the hall and the class is in full swing.
"You'd know all about that Miss" Jordan mutters cheekily. "What was that Mr Wilson?"
"Oh nothing Miss..nothing" he says charmingly as people give him funny looks.

"Are you coming back to mine?" I ask when the practice finally ends. After an hour and half long of playing Juliets Nurse I need to feel like myself again. "Nah I have to be somewhere" he says packing up his bag hurriedly.
"Oh- oh okay...Um I'll see you tomorrow then?"
"Yeah" he mutters quickly rushing out. "JORDAN!" I call after him.
"Wha" he says barely turning his neck. "Will you ask your dad about the window?" I say urgently, "yeah I'll sort it" he says not paying much attention and then just like that he was gone.
What was all that about? I wonder to myself, Jordan seemed pretty eager earlier and he didn't even tell me where he was going...maybe something with his Dad? But no how could that be.. I trust Jordan to tell me what's going on with him and all he's been saying about Mr Wilson has been good. Well not good but they don't fight half as much as they used to.. at least that's what I've been led to believe.
People push past me while I stand wondering what's changed with Jordan. That's the problem with him..I never know him properly, I don't think Jordan's the type of person you could ever fully know. Then again..maybe I'm like that myself.
"Great work today Alison" Ms Keane says putting her hand bag around her. Chloe looks at her impatiently and she rolls her eyes. "Thanks Miss see you tomorrow!" I say as the two of them stroll out.
I take the two of them in..the Mother-Daughter bond... i sigh deeply. Not in my wildest dreams could I wish to have that...
Beep beep 
My phone takes me from my thoughts as I walk out into the cold dark evening air,
Smash smash, who's there? Careful shouldn't play with glass xo
My heart stops..I look onto the top of my screen,
From Unknown.

Heyyy! This chapter was actually sooo fun! But what the fuck who are these messages from?? Where is Jordan off to? Will Alison and Jordan expose Ms Keane and Mr Qureshi?  And lastly I'll try put some more romantic scenes of Jordan and Ali in from now on let me know exactly what you think and if you have any suggestions.
Thanks so much for the support xxx

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