Part 2

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The door to the classroom is pushed open by Miss Carter and I'm greeted with a classroom full of loud teenagers all staring up at me, they all go quiet when they see Miss Cater but I'm so nervous I keep my eyes transfixed on the brown haired slim woman wearing baggy trousers and don't look at any of them for fear I'll go red.
"Sorry to interrupt Ms Keane, this is our new year eleven student Alison Knightley, she's came here from Manchester and I trust you all to make her very welcome to the class"
I can feel everyone's eyes on me and a dark guy wiggles his eyebrows at me causing everyone to giggle. The teacher who I've obviously realised is Ms Keane has a lovely smile and she starts speaking to me "Well Alison welcome to my English class, I hope you like Shakespeare because that's just what we're about to set into!" The whole class groans at this news. "Well then I'll leave you to it Ms Keane but first I need to pick out somebody to show Alison around the school for a few days" Fuck I had hoped she'd forgotten about that, a handful of boys started bustling and shoving their hands in the air with laughter. I went red, I know I'm not particularly ugly or anything in fact I do have nice dark hair and green eyes and I'm relatively tanned, which I definitely get from my dads side of the family but nevertheless I didn't like this kind of attention on the first day. Thank god Miss Carter was sensible enough to not pick one of them as she looked around the room.
Just when I was about to run out of the classroom she speaks up "Ah yes, Jordan would you mind being Alison's tour guide for the week"', a head at the side of the room lifts up "fine", i finally get a good look at my so-called "tour guide" as the other boys mouthed off about how they should have been picked. One shouted up "Are you gonna have a baby with this one too Jordan?" Suddenly this Jordan lunges out of his chair and grabs hold of the Pakistani boy, Ms Keane manages to grab hold of him before any damage is done but nevertheless everyone is staring at him now. "Jordan you have been warned one more instance and straight to isolation you'd be going there now if it wasn't for the fact you have to show Alison to the next class" I could tell the class was to afraid to say anything after that and Ms Keane seemed less than impressed with Jordan.
Miss Carter strutted out and I was left standing. "Right then Alison you can pick your seat for today", without hesitating I plonked down beside Nas and kept my mouth shut the entire class.
Ms Keane was a good teacher, I knew what she was talking about the whole time but didn't answer any questions it's important not to have people thinking you're a try-hard on your first day. I desperately wanted to ask Nas what Jordan's deal was but I didn't want to risk being told off and having more attention. He didn't seem like the most welcoming guy at all however he was I wouldn't say handsome but very attractive. My friends back home always told me I had a thing for "tough guys" but I don't know if that's exactly what Jordan is, he definitely seemed to have more going on underneath. As the class was coming to an end I began to panic once again, I needed Jordan to show me to the next class- history but I couldn't just walk right up to him and I didn't think he was going to come near me.
Just as Ms Keane told us to pack up I began to accept i would have to make my own way. I turn around to leave and Jordan is there behind me. "Oh hi-" I stumbled on my schoolbag and he leans down and picks it up for me. "Hey, I'm Jordan" it's only now when I face him I can take him in properly. His hair is darkish with gel in it and he has an eye piercing. He's...different looking I would say, in a good way I've never seen anyone to look similar to him before. "Do you know the way or do you need me to show you" I'm snapped out of my trance, "oh no I don't know where anything is sorry", with that he starts walking with me through the corridors he doesn't necessarily speak but I follow where he's going. "Normally new kids come in and take a tour before school starts" shit now I have to give this aggressive boy my life story- not! "Oh yeah I only moved here a few weeks ago suddenly so there was no time" As he's about to ask me more questions he points into the History room and we walk in without another word. The day strums by without much commotion I eat lunch with Nas and Missy but of course people are staring at me, this one girl wearing a hijab with very pretty eyes came over and interrogated me, Missy told her to push off I would have myself but Missy likes to be the one in charge. I want to ask Missy and Nas more information on this Jordan but I never get a minute and I go the rest of the day trailing after him with no more conversation, although he does occasionally glance my way and then looks away, I want to know more about him.

Lying in bed at night with Haley i turn and ask her "what do you know about this Jordan Wilson guy he was showing me around today"
She raised her eyebrows "Jordan hmmmm well Jordan is a massive windup, he's a troublemaker I suppose" none of these things surprise me after seeing him nearly knock out that guy today. Maybe he's not good news after all. Haley continues "he's not all bad though, he's proper good at art and his brother Cory, have you met him yet?", "No" she continues "oh well he's well fit" . Just as we start to fall into a sleep she adds one final thing "everyone says he has it hard though, his dad beats him up and shit," with that last drastic bit of information Haley is passed out. His dad beats him? If there's one thing I can relate to it's a bad home, maybe Jordan and I have more in common than I think.

Hey please let me know what you think I'm not sure if it's any good?! Lots of love xx

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