Character Sketch

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Mr. Rishab Bajaj- 
A 32 year old ruthless businessman. He aquires things on which he sets his eyes on. A loving father to his daughter. He married Prerna by having a deal with her in return to which he will save Anurag. Gradually started developing feelings for her.


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Mrs. Prerna Rishab Bajaj-
A 29 year old bubbly girl stuck in midst of everyone. Married to Mr. Bajaj as a part of the deal to save Anurag. Loves and trusts Anurag a lot but started to feel something for Mr. Bajaj which is confusing her. A lovely mother to Kukki

 A lovely mother to Kukki

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Mr. Anurag Basu-
A 32 year old businessman. He is damn confused with what he wants. Was married to Komolika Choubey. Wants Prerna at any cost as she had hurt his ego by marrying Mr. Bajaj. But he behaves in front of her as he loves her. Never stands up for Prerna. His character is a little shady.


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Ms. Komolika Choubey-
A 29 year old cunning woman. Ex-wife of Anurag. Good in schemes and planning. Hates Prerna to the core. Loves Anurag and can kill and die for him. Shady Character.


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Mrs. Mohini Basu-
Mother of Anurag. Loves her son and hates Prerna as she is middle-class. A greedy woman who loves status.


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Mr. Moloy Basu-
Father of Anurag. A man of principles and values.


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Ms. Nivedita Basu-
Sister of Anurag. Hates Prerna

 Hates Prerna

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Ms. Kukki Rishab Bajaj-
Cute 5 year old daughter of Mr. Bajaj. Loves her Priyu maa lot.

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