The smut 🗿

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*cough gorillagripbussy cough*

You're ass at gambling. That's it.
Butt, you attract a lot of people at your school and one of those people were Midari Ikishima.

She was attracted to you for many reasons asf, but one of the reasons why she was attracted to you was bc you a baddie like her😼. ( idk pls)

She loved whenever you got hurt, you wouldn't sit and cry like a baby. She was mesmerized by how bold you were. How you could hold a gun up to your head, and wouldn't be afraid to PULL THAT DAMN TRIGGER SIS!!

You also found Midar attractive. You liked everything about her. Especially her tongue piercing. It very much turned you on ;).

One day, when everyone was gambling, like always, you went to the restroom like you always do with your phone to read wattpad stories and watch tiktoks because you don't gamble. It was the second month of school and you were still a little embarrassed because you got it a size too small.. ANYWAYS, As you were walking to the restroom, you bumped into Midari. You were wearing lace because most of your UNDERWEAR is lace along with your bras. You fell down and your short skirt lifted up. You swiftly got up, fixed your skirt, and apologized to Midari but she didn't respond. When you looked at her, she had her jaw d r o p p e d and she was staring at you. Your face started to feel warm but it wasn't burning up. Midari quickly got up when she noticed you looking at her and grabbed your hand.

Spicy asf🗿

She dragged you to the bathroom and when you got into a stall, she started to kiss you. You were excited and wet asf 😼. You instantly kissed back and you could feel her tounge pushing into your mouth and when it got in, you felt her tounge piercing. After a few minutes of just kissing, Midari broke the kiss and started to unbotton her own shirt. You followed what she was doing until she stopped you. "Do you really want to do this?", she asked. You nodded casually, knowing that if you said anything at this time, it wouldn't be a smart move. She unbuttoned your shirt and held her gun to your head. "Take of your underwear", she said. You followed her instructions and then she pushed you against the wall. She put the gun down and turned around. She looked like she was eating something?? No❤ she was putting on a vibrating tongue piercing. Soon enough, she made you hold up the skirt while she held the gun up to your head. You saw her pull out her phone for a second and then heard low vibrations that got higher and higher.

Ugh this is to much work i already give up 🙄🤚

She started to lick your clit and when you felt the vibrations, your eyes widened and you let out a semi-loud moan. You bit your lip and covered your mouth until she s h o v e d two fingers inside of you. She curled her fingers in you, while your fingers slipped into her hair. You figured that she would like hair pulling and you were correct. As you pulled her hair, her tounge moved faster and so did her fingers, which caused you to keep quiet moans and friggin whimpers to leave your damn mouth. You soon came on her face, but SHE KEPT GOING. Your legs were going weak but she held onto you with her left hand.

 Your legs were going weak but she held onto you with her left hand

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You were close to reaching your second climax until the bell rang. (Or whatever notification for next class IDK) She turned her tongue piercing vibrator to full intensity and moved her fingers at a faster pace while curling them. Right then and there, you squirted (ewie) on her face. (Nasty ass💔). She giggled and licked you clean, then handed you back your underwear. You watched her clean her face from your juices and swap out her tounge piercing. You smiled and then apologized. "Sorry", you freaking mumbled but she heard. "Don't be ;) it was my pleasure to pleasure you." She winked (SEXY ASS) "Can I tell you something?", you asked with a small blush. "What?" She said casually noticing the small amount of blush on your face. "I like you, a lot" you said. (BOLD ASF SIS GET ITT 😝). She laughed while you looked confused and a bit worried that she wouldn't like you back until she said that she liked you too. You both agreed to date and you two quickly rushed to your separate classes.

In the end, yall were both late asf and had to go to detention after school. Most teachers thought you were very mature so the detention teacher left, thinking you could behave and watch Midari. Bad idea. The room was empty which led to mutual masturbation for an hour. The end

Anyways I hate everything. Never doing this again. Bye asf😋

Midari x Female reader (smut asf😝)Where stories live. Discover now