The Smut part 2 🗿

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MidarisSlut therealruna gorillagripbussy
Ik said I would do this a while ago and I lied 🚶🏽‍♀️Anyways this is the real part two. Since no one gave any recommendations 😒, Midari has a vibrator in you and she has the remote BC I CHANGED MY MIND 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
So you and Midari have been dating for about 2 months since you two "confessed". Obviously, someone is sexually frustrated since whenever Midari is horny she masturbates. You didn't really like the fact that she never asked to have sex when she was horny and you don't like to masturbate. So, you wanted to confront her about it when you go to her house today (chile, someone's bold 😳🤚 I could neva 👩🏽‍🦯).
So, you guys have 1 more class until you guys walk to her house but, you guys don't have any classes together since she is a second year and you are a first year. (Just pretend you are or some shit 🙄). Anyways.. the whole time you were in class, you were thinking about ways to confront Midari without telling her face to face. So, you decided to write her a note. The was basically saying that you wanted to know why you guys haven't done anything sexual since the day you two started dating.

After school, you and Midari met near the entrance of the school and started to walk to her home. You handed her the note and she read it while you two were on the way to her house which you didn't expect. As you were glancing over at her to see you expression, you were flabbergasted that she didn't look upset or surprised. She looked as if she was already expecting this sooner than later.

I'm out here using big words 😳🤚

As you two got to her house, you realized no one was there. "Hey, are we the only one's here?" You questioned her. "Of course we are, I'm always home alone." Midari replied with ✨attitude✨. You rolled your eyes at Midari as you sat on the edge of her bed. Once you looked over at her, you saw that she was grabbing a box that was hidden in her closet. She picked it up, walked towards you, and then put it on your lap. It had a lock on it, so you couldn't immediately look inside. You two hung out for the rest of the evening until you were ready to go home. Midari INSISTED that she walked you to your house, and that's what you two did. Once you guys got there, she handed you the box AGAIN (bc you forgot abt it 🙄) but there was a key with it. She told you to wear it to school tomorrow. You were very confused on what it was since you didn't wanna open it in front of her but you agreed to wear it and assumed it would be some jewelry or something.

How tf do you pronounce jewelry 🧍‍♀️


The next day, she came KNOCKING AT YOUR FRIGGIN DOOR. "Are you wearing it?" Was a question she asked you multiple times before you could say YES. When you two were walking to school, you felt perfectly fine. Other than your pûśšæ SOAKING because of the vibrator sitting inside of you. Throughout most of your classes, you didn't feel anything. There was a few low vibrations whenever you saw Midari in the halls but it was nothing to go crazy over. When everyone went out to gamble, you kind of followed Midari and sat in a corner while reading wattpad stories 👹.

Whenever she won a gamble, she got SUPER excited and you would start to feel the vibrations turning up slowly, making you squirm in your corner while you tried to focus. The vibrations kept getting higher and faster as you face got extremely red, trying not to make any lewd sounds. You quickly got up and ran to the bathroom and you felt a knot in your stomach ready to snap. You couldn't see it, but Midari was watching your every move. She slowly followed you into the bathroom and when she knew there was no one else in that bathroom, she sat in the stall next to yours and turned the vibrations up to 100%.

 She slowly followed you into the bathroom and when she knew there was no one else in that bathroom, she sat in the stall next to yours and turned the vibrations up to 100%

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You started to moan uncontrollably while moving around on the toilet. You started to whimper, knowing that you were on edge. Then boom, you came, for the first time 😳. The vibrations weren't stoping and you moans kept getting louder until you heard a knock on the stall you were in.

You slapped your hand over you mouth 🤭 and quickly cleaned yourself, while the vibrator was still going. You opened the stall ready to be embarrassed until you saw that it was just your one and only girlfriend, Midari. Ngl, you were still embarrassed but at least it was someone who has heard your moans before. Midari pushed you back into the stall and locked it behind her. She made you sit down with your legs open and moved herself behind you. She moved you underwear to the side and pulled out the vibrator half way, (which was a vibrating díldô) and slammed it back into you, making you yelp in pleasure. She did that over and over while it was still vibrating and  she was rubbing your clit. The pleasure was being tripled and you threw your head back on her shoulder. Midari knew you were about to cum again so she pushed the díldó into you further and faster while aggressively rubbing your "bean". While you were cumming for your second time, she sucked on your neck hard enough to leave marks while you tried to catch your breath.

Once she finished giving you fresh hickies, you two cleaned up and when you tried to leave the stall, she stopped you. "I'm wet. You can't just leave now." She said with a smirk on her face. You knew what was gonna happen and you let it happen (✂️).

The end 🙄

Okay I hate this one wayyyy more. We love public s3x🥰
Don't bully me for this, I was forced to do it by like 6 ppl 😔💔

Midari x Female reader (smut asf😝)Where stories live. Discover now