Wendla x Melchior- The Faerie Dress Part 2

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*more talk of bodies and some more suggestive dialogue* 

Wendla awoke early in the morning, before her mother and grabbed her school bag. Inside it, she slipped her faerie dress. She changed into her school clothes and crept downstairs and into the kitchen. She filled her bag with some food and left her house through the back door. 

"Mama can't control me," Wendla huffed as she headed to school early. She sat out front of the school and ate her breakfast. A girl came running up to her, out of breath, looking disheveled and dirty and exhausted. Wendla barely recognized her childhood friend. 

"Ilse?! What are you doing here? I thought you were kicked out of your home and ran far away?" Wendla gasped. Ilse collapsed onto the ground and clutched her stomach. "Are you hungry?" Wendla asked the tired girl. Ilse swallowed hard and nodded gently. 

"yes," she croaked. Wendla offered her some bread and an apple. Ilse quickly scarfed down the food and Wendla gave her some water to wash it down. "Thanks, Winny," Ilse mumbled after she finished. Wendla hadn't been called Winny by Ilse in a long, long time. She had missed it. 

"What's wrong, Il?" 

"I-I ran away from this s-stupid artist colony," she stuttered, shivering. Wendla draped her sweater over Ilse's shoulders and tattered coat. 

"What was wrong?" 

"I don't want to talk about it," Ilse mumbled through gritted teeth. The school bell rang and Wendla glanced at the school. The girls were flooding inside and she was going to be late if she didn't go in soon. Ilse crawled behind a bush and laid down on Wendla's sweater. 

"You stay here and rest. I'll be back after school, Ilse," Wendla informed the barely awake girl. She nodded gently, her frail, weak body barely rising and falling. 

Wendla was anxious the whole school day, eager to get back to her long lost friend to make sure she was okay. After school, Wendla ran out to the bush she had left Ilse sleeping in. She found nothing there besides a small note with shaky handwriting. 


Thank you for your sweater. I'm sorry I had to take it. I was too cold to go without one. Thank you for the food and drink. I had to go. I didn't want to indanger you. 

                                                                                         Much Love, 

                                                                                                                 Ilse Neumann 

She had misspelled the word "endanger". Wendla guessed that's what happened when you'd barely had any schooling. She was upset that Ilse wasn't around here. She wanted to help her. 

"Hey! Wendla!" Thea called. Wendla turned around, still distraught about Ilse, and walked to her other friends. 

"We're all going to my house today. Want to come?" Anna asked. 

"I..... can't," Wendla said, remembering her meeting with Melchior. Oh, Melchi. She got butterflies just thinking about him. 

"Why not?" Martha inquired. 

"Tell me it isn't a boy?" Anna rolled her eyes. 

"Tell me it is a boy!" Thea practically pleaded. Wendla giggled. 

"Who?" Martha begged. 

"It's not a boy," Wendla lied. Why did Melchior have her lying so much? 

"Good. My house would be a lot more fun then a boy," Anna mumbled. 

"Then what is it?" Martha pressed. 

"My mama is in a bad mood lately. I got lost in the woods and showed up home late and she's very mad. I'm sorry," Wendla said. Thea sighed. 

"That's okay..." Thea said. 

"I'll see you girls tomorrow!" Wendla called after the girls. She ducked behind the bush and threw on her short dress. She rushed into the woods, struggling to remember which direction she was supposed to go to meet Melchior by the tree. Eventually, she stumbled upon it and Melchior was nowhere to be found. 

"Where is he?" Wendla sighed, confused. She sat at the base of the tree and waited for ten minutes until she decided to walk out into the meadow. When she was out there she spotted Melchior's barn and she heard some noise coming from it. Curious, she walked over and peered into it. Melchior was in the hayloft, writing in his journal and talking out loud. 

"Melchi?" she gently called. Melchior looked down from the hayloft. 

"oh, Wendla," he cooed gently. 

"Come back out to the meadow with me, Melchi," Wendla pleaded. He sighed dreamily and laid down in the loft. "Melchior?" 

"Come up here, Wendla," he said. 

"Please, Melchior," Wendla pleaded. 

"Please, Wendla," he retorted. She sighed and climbed up into the hayloft with Melchior still sprawled out. He propped himself up on his elbows and looked at Wendla who was sitting cross-legged. 

"My mother is going to kill me," Wendla laughed. He smiled. 

"But, your mom likes me, right?" Melchior asked. Wendla laughed again. 


"harsh," he laughed too. 

"It's okay, she doesn't like many people. Sometimes I don't think she even likes me all that much," Wendla admitted. 

"Now, don't say that, Wendla," Melchior said. Wendla shrugged as if it didn't matter. 


"Yes," Melchior said slowly, smiling. 

"h-how... um, how are, um.... how are babies made?" Wendla blurted. Melchior chuckled to himself. 

"Are you sure you want to know?" he laughed. Wendla blushed and pushed her hair behind her ear. 

"Yes, Melchi," she pressed. He inched closer to her and leaned into her ear. 

"That's a very pretty dress you're wearing," Melchior whispered to her. She swallowed hard. 

"Melchi?" she prompted again. 

"Like this," he said and pressed his lips onto hers. The kiss quickly escalated and she pushed him off of her. 

"That's how babies are made?" Wendla said, confused and nervous. 

"No. I wasn't done," Melchior smirked. Wendla pushed Melchior again as he leaned into her again. 

"I don't..."


"I don't.... know," Wendla admitted. 

"God, Wendla, don't you want to feel something? Don't you want love?" he said. She furrowed her brow.

"Yes, Melchior. I just don't want a baby," she mumbled. 

"Obviously, Wendla. But, not every time it happens a baby is made," he said. 

"..... really......?" she asked, slowly, entertaining the idea. 

"Really," Melchior said, gently pulling himself onto her. 

"I don't know Melchi," she mumbled. He kissed her, running his hands through her hair, kissing her neck, and straddling her. 

"How about now?" he asked, slyly. She thought for a moment, contemplating her options, thoroughly. 

"Let's do it...." she said. Wendla still had no idea what was happening, but she wanted to know and what could be better than actually experiencing it? 

"yes...?" Melchior asked for a final check, excited. 


"good," he said as he kissed down to her chest and slipped her dress off and he stripped himself of his suspenders and shirt. 

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