Ch. 1

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Running. That's all she could do after seeing the bright Red eyes peer into her very soul.

Why did I have to walk through the forest?

That's right, because Edric and Emira were being annoying.

She turned a corner, and pressed her body against a tree, taking deep shaky breaths to calm her heart rate some. I don't want that thing following me anymore. I just want to go home..

Amity peered over the tree trunk to see if the creature with red eyes had followed her.

She smiled slightly as she saw no trace of whatever it was that chased her. When she turned around,  she was met with the same Red eyes from before, but on a Teenager, not a creature.

"Did you really think you could escape from me... Mittens?" A voice murmured.

Gold Eyes met Red, leaving an awkward silence.

Amity fainted.

The teen with the Red eyes, tilted her head, before letting out an annoyed sigh.

Seems like another person she'd have to take care of. 

Eda isn't going to like this. Not one bit.


Amity awoke to yelling. She was confused. Where was she? Who was yelling? Where's the creature with the red eyes?

She rubbed her head slightly. All these questions made her head pound.

"Listen kid, you are taking her home when she wakes up. No questions about it. I'm putting my foot down." An older, wiser feminine voice spoke, causing a groan come from a different person.

"Eda it isn't fair! It's her fault that she was even in the woods in the first place! Don't those Hexide kids know that the Woods are dangerous?!" The younger voice from before spoke. 

Amity stood up slowly, and silently observed her surroundings as the voices seemed to go back and forth. There was a huge wanted poster that was behind the couch, and tiny ones scattered around it. 

The Owl Lady lives here?

"No doubt about it kid. You made her faint, you deal with her. She's your responsibility now." Person one growled, tapping what seemed to sound like a staff on the floor in the house.

Person two seemed to let out a louder growl, and there was stomping. A door being slammed rang through the house, which made Amity jump. These people could be plotting her death for all she knew. Amity hid behind the couch when she heard footsteps approach the room she was in. 

Oh god. I'm going to die! The thought rang through her brain. The footsteps seemed to stop as soon as they started, and Amity held her breath.

"It's alright kid, come on out. I won't hurt you." A voice revealed itself, causing Amity to gulp.

Hesitantly, the teenage witch stood from her hiding spot, her arms wrapped around herself. She looked straight at the older witch who stood with her arms crossed. 

"Yeah, I'm the one in the poster. Owl Lady, but you can call me Eda."

Eda, seemed very calm about the situation. Amity let out the breath she had been holding. Her anxiety eating at her brain. Maybe she wouldn't die today.

"A-Amity. Amity B-Blight." 

The older witch looked at her sympathetically. Like she understood the situation she was going through.

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