Ch. 13

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Luz wandered around aimlessly around the market with Boscha, not caring what any of the stands had to offer. "Come on Luz, there has to be something you might like. We have to meet up with the girls and Gus!"

The wolf simply shook her head, her eyes quickly scanning the market as they trudged on the misshaped path. Nothing interesting. Nothing that I would like. Luz thought to herself, fiddling her fingers in her jacket's pocket. Why had she been out there in the first place, when she should be in the forest roaming around with Fynn?

It's Eda's fault. She practically dragged the teen out of her bed, threw her out the house, and basically told her to socialize with her 'friends'.

"How about you look for something for Amity? Maybe then you might find something. " Boscha grumbled, pulling out her scroll to scroll through Penstagram.

Luz merely pondered the thought of getting something for the green haired witch. They barely spend time together, and when they do, it's always with the others. Not like Luz minded. She was glad to have friends for once, even if they are a pain in her rear end.

What would she even like? I don't know her that well..

The wolf paused when they passed a stand of random flowers. One had caught her attention in particular.

A small, pale yellow rose? At least that's what she thought it was. Luz walked up to the stand, picked it up, and tossed the snails on the table.

"Finally. Now let's go, the others are waiting."

Luz stumbled a bit when they all met up. Amity was wearing a dress. A yellow one at that.

Well damn. She looks beautiful today.

She shook her head to rid herself of her thoughts. She wasn't allowed to think that of her friends. Or was she? Luz had no idea of what to think.

"Sorry we are late. Luz here couldn't make her mind up to buy anything."

Luz simply shrugged, before approaching Amity. She twirled the flower in her hands, and then placed it behind her ear. Once Luz was sure it would stay, she turned around and went back to standing next to Boscha.

"You look nice Blight. Didn't take you for a dress person." Luz muttered, her cheeks tinted slightly.

"O-oh thanks Luz, you look nice too." Amity said, fiddling with her hands. Her face looked red, which made smirks rise from Boscha and Willow's faces.

"Anyways, come along Gays and Gus. We are going to the hideout." Willow mentions, grabbing her girlfriend by her hand and dragging her towards the woods.

"See you guys there!" Gus exclaims, running after his friend with hands over his head. Strange kid that one is.

Out of the corner of her eye, Luz could have sworn she saw Mattholomule pass by, a devilish grin on his face.

"Amity... Walk with me please?" She spared no time. Luz gently pushed her forward as she walked, her eyes everywhere.

Where did he go? He can't just up and disappear!

"Luz what's going on? Is something wrong?" The Blight asked, obliging to the Wolf's need to hurry. She didn't want to keep walking until she had answers, but Luz seemed on edge.

"Thought I saw someone. It's whatever. Lets just go meet up with the others." Their hands intertwined, the wolf to lost in her thoughts to notice.

Normally, holding hands would fluster Amity. Especially if it was her crush doing so. But Luz seemed stressed and on edge, and this Luz is... A bit mean.

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