"Hey Tobes!" "Oh hey Jim!" "Wait where's Claire?" "Oh, she's not feeling super well, so she stayed home." "I'm sure she'll be back tomorrow though." "Who's your friend?" I said jabbing my finger at a guy sitting in front of Toby. "Him?" "That's a guy I met named Liam I think he mentioned so earlier, " Toby explained. "Is he cool?" I asked. "Yeah I think so, he does seem a little self confident and ecocentric I'd warn though. "But other than than, he seems okay. "I better be quiet now, I don't want to be caught." "Senor Uhl seems to be on one today." I turn around and try to stay focused the rest of class.
First Love
عاطفيةNew high schooler Liam, meets popular girl Lorelei , instantly loves her and goes through high school and an adventure to win her heart with Toby, Claire,James, Ivy, Madelyn, and Laurance. Hopefully you'll like it! Thanks:)