Chapter 15 (time to grow up and spread your wings)

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I pulled up back at the school and all the girls in the first year were talking. I walked over and found out that an ambulance had been called to the school.

Selena had been training with Miley for some big race but she'd gotten hurt and was currently on her way to the hospital.

I also heard that Perrie got some strings pulled and myself, Perrie, Leigh and Jesy are all in a room together. Iggy said she didn't mind as she was now rooming with Demi and Cher.

The last day of Uni

I hadn't spoken to Iggy in a while but that was fine because I still had Perrie, Leigh and Jesy. I still hadn't spoken to James and I didn't really want to.

I found out that I did get the job. It's really weird thinking about it. I've really only known school. Heartbreak, grades and bitching. Pathetic right?

I walked into the canteen with my bags in hand. I spotted Cher and headed over.

Cher had gotten married a couple weeks ago and she looked amazing. The ceremony was beautiful, I was there.

I sat down next to her putting one of my bags on the table and forcing the rest under the table.

"Hey" I said sitting down.

"Sup" she greeted.

"So Mrs. Monk what's it like to be married?" I asked.

"It's weird I feel all grown up even though I've still got a flow that'll make your parents call the cops" she said smiling.

I laughed "I think it's good that your growing up".

"Ye I think it's time I grow up honestly" she admitted.

"Ye I'm going to spread my wings" I said.

"Oh I heard you got the job, congrats" she said.

Demi walked in and she excused herself as Perrie, Leigh and Jesy sat down.

"Hey" I said "you guys happy we're finally leaving?"

"Ye" sighed Leigh "I got my qualifications and I got a job working at the police station I'm already on my way to being a CSI".

"Oh Jade" said Jesy "I'll be working with you next year".

"Oh my god. Yay" I said hugging.

"Guys" said Perrie shyly.

"Ye" we all said looking at her.

"Guess what?"

"What?" We asked.

She pulled her hand out from under the table revealing a ring on here finger "Zayn proposed".

"Ahhh" we all squealed.

"Oh my god could Zerrie get cuter?" I said.

"Oh my god" cooed Leigh.

"I call brides maid" I said speaking up.

All three of them laughed and that caused me to laugh to.

I'd already said goodbye to Leo and Charlie but I'd be seeing Leo again because of my job and he got a job at the same place I did and where ever Leo is Charlie's not to far behind.

I'd said goodbye to Zayn and his friends, I'd also said my goodbyes to Demi, Iggy and Cher. Id spoken to Conor and told him to tell his friends that I'd say goodbye apart from to James because he's a wanker. I'd spoken to Luke and Ashton and I was ready to go. I wasn't going to bother with Miley.

She ditched Selena after her accident and focused on training. I wasn't bothered with Avril or Camilla, Lauren and Ally who came back out of the closet. Instead of dating Cody she's now dating his sister who's also called Ali but it's spelt differently. I wasn't even going to look at Max and his friends.

I was ready to take on the world, I was ready. I was heading to my new job straight after this.

I said goodbye and headed to my car. I hopped in and drove towards the new building I'd be spending a couple years in.

I was prepared, I was ok, I was ready to return to the hell that is high school.

Celeb's at uni (book 3 in the Celeb series)Where stories live. Discover now