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It's 5:18 in the morning when you're woken up by the sound of footsteps treading lightly - but not lightly enough - past the bedroom you're in, followed by Jaeeun practically running down the stairs. You chuckle lightly to yourself, knowing how excited she must be to get one past you and her father. When the two of you go downstairs in a couple of hours, properly awake and ready for the day, you're sure Jaeeun will make a show of opening her gifts up again and pretending to be shocked at them. Jaemin will take a video as always, beaming from ear to ear as his daughter responds in kind with a smile that's identical to his own. You'll bring out hot cocoa and gingerbread cookies for all three of you, the kind of breakfast you only allow Jaeeun to have once a year. These are all sureties: Christmas has been this way for the past 3 years.

You'll get out of bed around 8. For now, though, all you can do is mold yourself into the warmth of Jaemin's bare side, marveling at how he can sleep shirtless even during the coldest days and still remain your personal heater. A low hum above your head causes you to look up, and you find your boyfriend's sleep-hooded eyes blinking sluggishly at you.

"Five in the morning," He drawls out, the hand at your waist pulling you closer. "That's a new record for her." Jaemin slips a hand under your - his, actually - shirt, his thumb drawing circles into the skin of your side. A soft sigh escapes from between your lips, and a corner of Jaemin's mouth quirks up at your reaction.

"Eunnie's already opening up her presents," Jaemin's morning voice is always low, always raspy, a little too low and a little too raspy for you to keep your head on straight while listening to him speak. "Why don't I open my gift right now too? Since we're both awake anyways. It's only... ergonomical." His hand slips into your pajama pants, cupping your ass with more gusto than he should be capable of before dawn.

"It's called a gift exchange for a reason," You respond, voice naturally dropping lower to try and seem more sultry even as you're well aware that your hair is a mess and your hands are cold to where, the moment you touch Jaemin, he'll recoil and whine about how freezing you are. "If I give you what you want, what will you give me?"

"I... have actually been thinking about this. I know we're, like, about to have sex, but I kind of... there's something we need to talk about, and since it's in my mind now, it might be beneficial to just talk about it now, since I have a gift... an offer? A gift. An offer, too. It's both. For you. That I thought I'd ask today, since it's Christmas and there's goodwill and everything, but- ."

"Babe," You interrupt, shifting off of him and propping yourself up on your elbow so you can properly look Jaemin in the eyes. "What the hell are you talking about?" The mood is gone and he's killed it, but you don't mind, not when his eyes are sparkling in a way that tells you he's about to give you just a little bit more of his heart.

Over three years together now, and he still makes you feel as in love as you did on day one.

"You've been spending an awful lot of time here, recently, I mean, you pretty much sleep here every night and so many of your clothes are here anyways and... I think you should just... have everything here. And sleep here every night." Jaemin rolls over onto his side to face you, eyes glimmering with hope even as he winces at how simultaneously rambly and staccato his delivery is. He watches as your eyes widen while you process what he's asking of you, and Jaemin finds himself crossing his fingers on one hand - a habit he must've picked up from his daughter - while you deliberate.

"You're... asking me to move in." You state, only bringing Jaemin's attention to the obvious. He nods his head vigorously.

"We've been together for more than three years, and it seems like a good time. I know it's a process because you have your own house, but your mortgage is paid off so it won't be as hard a move as it could be, right? And I can build an alcove in one of the walls - or, Jeno can build one, he's been itching for a new project as it is - for Goldilocks' tank so they'll live in style. Jaeeun would love seeing you everyday, and I'd even hold off on making you pay rent until the third month." His final sentence is said with a mischievous grin spreading across his face, and neither of you are surprised when you furrow your brows and shove him gently right after. Jaemin pulls you back to him on instinct, and you relax into his hold immediately.

"We've come a long way, haven't we?" You ask, your reminiscence muffled against his chest. Jaemin nods, his hair tickling the side of your face. Without warning, he rolls the two of you over so that you're underneath him, and his face is level to yours as his eyes trace your features from above. Your boyfriend places a kiss to your forehead, and then one to the tip of your nose before slotting his mouth with yours, where you swear you can still taste last night's wine on his tongue. The kiss is over before you'd like it to be, but you can't complain as Jaemin shifts back onto his knees, thighs on either side of you, and bunches your shirt up enough to press a gentle peck above your belly button. You were wrong earlier: maybe the mood hasn't died.

"I wouldn't mind being here more often." You decide out loud, eyes flitting downwards to see Jaemin moving even further down your body, his hands gripping at the waistband of your plaid pants. He waits patiently for you to give him a go-ahead, and once you do, he starts shimmying the material off of your legs.

"Is that a yes?" He asks, looking up at you from where he's finally situated himself: face in between your thighs. Jaemin's hands and chest may be warm, but the breath he fans out against where you want him is warmest. He doesn't move, and you realize he must want a response from you. Cheeky bastard.

"I already know everything about you," You mutter out, hands flying to your boyfriend's hair as he nips at your inner thigh. Only his eyes - dark, teasing, hooded - are visible to you now, the rest of his face hidden from your gaze. This is all you've ever wanted. It's what you give your time for. It's the time you get back. As Jaemin finally places his mouth against your core, you sigh out the rest of your confession.

"I might as well experience everything about you as well."

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