Chapter 12 - Date Night (Part 1)

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"Luke you can't write that!" I exclaimed, knocking his hand away from the paper while he just laughed at my wide-eyed, slightly frantic expression. If he wrote something like that I would be in trouble too because our teacher knew that I was helping him with this.

"I think it would make a great answer so I'm just going to put it down," Luke replied and went to write it again but I snatched the pen out of his hand so he couldn't. There was clear amusement in his eyes but I knew he was getting enjoyment out of seeing me freak out in case I got into trouble. Getting detention for no apparent reason was one thing but I would literally die if our teacher asked about Luke's answer.

"I'm gonna write it no matter what you do Kitten," Luke pushed and I threw the pen at him, hitting him in the arm. It didn't affect him whatsoever, he just laughed it off. I huffed in defeat, crossing my arms and leaning back against the couch. This was going worse than normal, yet better than normal too. Usually Luke is just defiant but today he was being playful about it but I wasn't just if that was better or worse.

"Aw come on Kitten,  I was only playing with you," Luke said, leaning back against the couch as well and giving me those puppy dog eyes that were so hard not to give in to but I held my resolve. He had annoyed me one too many times already today and I was not going to let it go just because he looked so adorable and hot at the same time. Adorable hot? Hotly adorable? It doesn't matter.

"Go die in a hole Masters," I huffed, sending him a hard glare before looking away. Luke gasped over dramatically which made me involuntarily look over at him. His eyes were wide, his mouth open in a gasp and his hand on his heart.

"An insult and my last name? Kitten I'm hurt," he replied sarcastically and I felt that piece of resolve I had waver.

"Shut up," I muttered because the corner of my mouth had quirked up and I was forcing myself stop the smile. I couldn't help it, he knew that teasing sarcasm was my weakness by now.

"Ha! You smiled! I win," Luke shouted, pointing his finger at me and then crossing his arms over his chest with a triumphant grin. I couldn't help it, the giggles escaped my lips before I had even realized I was going to laugh. He made me laugh all the time, I just couldn't help it. He made me laugh, made me smile. I had been scared of him a while ago but I had actually been spending time with him and the flirting that had made me uncomfortable had eased up. The Luke I had gotten to know was nothing like the Luke I had heard about in stories.

"Tell me something Kitten. Something that you've never told anyone," Luke requested and I found myself immediately thinking about something to tell him instead of telling him no like I should have. I twirled a curl around my finger as I thought about something that would interest Luke in somehow.

"When I was five, I flushed my brothers goldfish down the toilet so it could be with it's dad again," I blurted because that wasn't something that I considered interesting, just a silly thing I did as I child. Still, it was a funny memory for me so it jumped to my mind. Luke looked at me strangely for a second before he started laughing, shaking his head at me as he did.

"What? I had just seen Finding Nemo, I thought every fish needed to escape to find their dad," I defended but it made him laugh harder. There was a tugging in my stomach, the one you get when your stomach does that weird flip, it was because of his laugh. That laugh could make girls everywhere melt, I'm telling you.

"Wow. Wow Kitten. You were one smart five year old," Luke laughed, poking me in the side. Squealing, I jumped away from him which made him raise an eyebrow at me. I was ticklish, it wasn't something I like to spread around. "Ticklish Kitten?" Luke asked rhetorically with a mischievous glint in his eye. My eyes grew wide and I shook my head at him. I was in the middle of getting up off the couch and away from him when he reached out, his arm around my waist and pulling my back down.

Luke had an evil smirk on his lips and then I felt him tickling my stomach. Squealing with laughter, I squirmed to get away from him but he held my legs with one hand and moved his assault to my stomach. I was laughing, wriggling under him as he leaned over me with his smirk still intact. "Luke stop,"  I gasped between laughter but it only made him continue.  I was squirming and laughing and wriggling and Luke's smirk widened into a grin. A lock of hair fell in front of my eyes and I tried to blow it off my face but it just fluttered back down into the same spot.

The tickling stopped when Luke moved his hand away from my sides and up to my face, slowly tucking the piece of hair behind my ear. The mood switched from light and playful to making the air feel heavy and charged with something. Like someone had plugged the air around us into a socket. My grin slowly faded looked into Luke's eyes, like pools of melted dark chocolate with this spark in them that I couldn't place, I just didn't recognize it. Luke slowly leaned down and my breathing became shallow. Was he going to kiss me? Should I say something or let him kiss me? Do I want him to kiss me?

Before I could answer my own questions and Luke could lean down the last few inches, someone started pounding on the front door and shouting my name.

"I should uh, um, I should uh, uh, g-get that. I should get that," I stuttered, stumbling over my words when I realized just how close he was. Something flashed in Luke's eyes for a moment before he leaned back and I was able to stand up.

"Ellie! Finally. Come on, we don't have a lot of time," Shauna worried, grabbing my wrist and walking in beside me before closing the door and trying to pull me upstairs. I knew exactly what she was talking about but I hadn't realized it had gotten so late so fast. I must have just lost track of time with Luke.

"A lot of time for what?" Luke asked as he leaned against the back of the couch. Shauna's eyes snapped towards him and she dropped my wrist before going into her flirting stance. She lightly bit her bottom lip with a small smile before she answered for me.

"Ellie's date with Jordan Taylors," she answered, shamelessly checking him out. I was kind of bugged by it but just slightly. It was Shauna, she could flirt her way out of prison with a murder charge if she wanted to. Luke's jaw tightened and the hand that wasn't half in his pocket clenched into a fist.

"Well  I'll go now. Have fun on your date," Luke said to me, kind of snappily and with stone cold eyes as he flung his bag over his shoulder and walked out the door.  I had barely gotten in a thank you when the door slammed shut behind him.

"What was his deal?" Shauna asked me, tilting her head to the side curiously as she looked at the door and then back at me. With my eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, I shrugged my shoulders at her and she shrugged off her curiosity before taking my wrist again and pulling me up the stairs.

*     *     *     *     *

"Perfect! You're going to blow Jordan away. I still can't believe he asked you out. I mean I thought he was totally into Crystal," Shauna said to me, shaking her head slightly before smiling her head off. "Anyway, you look gorgeous. He should be here in a few."

Shauna had worked a miracle again and made me look pretty with a check shirt, which I loved her for by the way, with two holes in the shoulders and a pair of light blue skinny jeans that looked like a second skin along with a pair of wedges that made my legs look great. My makeup looked light and natural but it had taken a lot for it to look this way. My hair was up in an artfully messy bun with a few loose curls framing my face. The doorbell rang and Shauna and I shared a look before we both darted down the stairs only to be horrified at what we found.

"When did Adam get home?" Shauna asked as we both looked on wearily at the scene. I sent her a distressed look as I shrugged and edged closer so I could hear better.

"So you're here to pick up my sister yeah?" Adam asked, looking down at Jordan since he had a few inches on him. Adam's arms were crossed over his chest and with the hard glare he was giving Jordan and the way he was looking down at him, even I thought he looked intimidating. He was going to scare off my first date ever, my dream guy. I was going to kill him.

"Let's get something straight here first. You touch my little sister and I'll kill you. You hurt my sister in anyway, I'll kill you. You even look at my sister the wrong way and I'll kill you. And again, if you touch my sister, I'll get my friend and we'll both kill you," Adam threatened and I could see Jordan gulp but keep up his confident demeanor anyway.

"Hey Jordan," I greeted, finally finding my voice as I pushed in front of Adam and gave Jordan what I hoped to be a reassuring smile. "We're gonna go now so bye Adam," I informed him, giving him a hard look to tell him we were going to speak about this later. Turning back to Jordan, I gave him another smile and started to leave when I saw Adam mouth 'dead' to Jordan behind my back.

I elbowed Adam in the stomach and shot him another look then shut the door behind us. I wouldn't have reacted that way with anyone else unless it was  Adam because I had no doubt in my mind that Adam would beat up Jordan if he heard about anything. I really wouldn't put it past Adam to hit Jordan if he even held my hand.

"Sorry about Adam. He's overprotective. He's like a year and a bit older than me but he acts like my dad sometimes," I apologized with a laugh and Jordan just nodded with a smile. Oh that smile. He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans but damn he still managed to look so hot it should be illegal. Those eyes should be illegal anyway. How someone could have eyes that were so perfect, they were literally the perfect shade of brown. Not too hazel, not to dark, just the perfect combination of the two of them. Perfect.

"I get it. I have a younger sister too. She's only twelve but as soon as she starts dating I swear guys better not mess with my sister," Jordan replied and I felt my heart flutter. Not only was he physically perfect but he was protective of his sister too. He was just perfect all around.

"That's so sweet. Do you have any other siblings?" I asked, feeling my eyes melt as I looked at him, he was just so gorgeous. How did I manage to get this lucky?

"I have a younger brother too. He's fourteen and a pain but I love him. He's a little player though. I caught him breaking up with a girl outside our house and when he walked back inside he had a girl waiting in the living room, apologized for having to leave for a minute and then brought her up to his room. I swear he's worse than I ever was," Jordan told me and I laughed in slight disbelief. How could his brother be a player when he was so nice and sweet and kind and funny and perfect? "What about you?"

"Oh it's just me and Adam. There's Zach too. But Zach isn't actually related to us. He's Adam's best friend and practically lives in our house. We've grown up with him," I answered and Jordan nodded as he drove, keeping his eyes on the road unlike Shauna who I had to remind to keep her eyes on the road constantly.

"So he's like your second older brother?" Jordan asked and I had to think about it. He used to be for a while, I saw him as an older brother like  Adam but then I started crushing on him and then I kind of got over my crush but then there was the other day when we kissed that makes me get butterflies whenever I think about it.

"Uh, more like a close friend," I answered with a laugh because he couldn't be classed as my brother anymore, not after that.

*     *     *     *     *

"Hey, what would like handsome?" The waitress asked as she came up to our table. She placed a hand on the table and leaned over so you could clearly see cleavage, way too much, especially in a restaurant. She batted her eyelashes at Jordan with a flirty smile on her lips. Jordan's eyes swept over the menu, not looking up and acknowledging her painfully obvious attempts at flirting. Looking at me, she gave me a sarcastic smile and a condescending look before going back to Jordan.

I thought things like that only happened in books, honestly. What kind of girl flirts with a guy who's clearly on a date while she's working. It would be slightly more understandable if she wasn't working and just walked past and winked or something but this girl was now leaning closer to Jordan to try and get his attention.

All I could do was blink in disbelief. I wasn't mad she was flirting Jordan, or really attempting to anyway. I felt sorry for her.  What made her so desperate that she had to flirt with a guy on a date while she was working? What made her so desperate for attention that she felt like she had to flirt with any guy she came across?

Jordan is hot, completely and incredibly hot, there's no denying that. I completely understand why she would flirt with Jordan, really I do. I just felt so bad that she was actually desperate enough to flirt with him while he was clearly on a date. And that she had the nerve to shoot me a condescending look as if she was better than me. I was the one on the date with him.

"I'll just have the cheeseburger with fries," Jordan answered, looking up at his menu to give her a quick smile before looking at me. "How 'bout you E?" he asked and the waitress shot me a dirty look.

With a sugary sweet smile with a sympathetic twist to it that I couldn't help. "Can I have the chicken enchilada please?" I asked and the waitress scribbled down my order. With a bitter smile at me just to come off as slightly polite, she looked at Jordan, again.

"Coming right up sugar," she said to him with another flirty smile and a wink before she sashayed off.

"That was annoying," Jordan said with a small snort. I raised my eyebrows at him and he just laughed. "Come on E. What kind of person actually flirts with a guy while he's on a date? That's just rude," Jordan explained and I laughed at him. His thoughts completely mirrored my own. We thought the same thing. Soul mates right there. I'm telling you.

*     *     *     *     *

"So what movie do you want to see?" Jordan asked as we scanned the listings outside the cinema. He had his arm around my shoulders and I was dying. Jordan Taylors had his arm around me! Me! Jordan Taylors! If I died right now, I would die happy. Jordan Taylors! There wasn't anything that I was dying to see, they were all on later in the year.

"Oh! Taken 3's on," I replied with a grin. I loved those movies. I loved romance but a good action movie was always the choice for me. Jordan turned to look at me with his eyebrows raised in surprise. "Why are you surprised? I love these movies," I asked him and Jordan gave me an approving nod. Oh my gosh he approved of my choice! He liked it! I'm gonna die!

"Nice choice E. Come on, let's go buy tickets," Jordan said happily and we walked over to the counter with his arm still around me might I add. He still had his arm around me! Best night ever!

There was a lot of things that I had wished for throughout my life. That my life was like a book or a movie but that wasn't going to happen, I was too normal for that. That I could get my choice of colleges but that wasn't going to happen because I just wasn't smart enough for that. That I would get super powers but that was more of a dream than a wish because that one was definitely not going to happen. But most importantly, that Jordan Taylors would like me. I used to think that that wish was impossible too but now look at me.

I was on a date with Jordan Taylors. A proper date where he was making me laugh and smile and we were getting to know each other better.  A proper date where he was being a gentleman and opening doors for me and paying for everything. A proper date where he may, might, maybe just maybe kiss me.

I guess that wishes do come true.

We started walking towards our screen when I stopped abruptly after hearing something that I did not expect nor want to hear on my date with Jordan.

"Hey Kitten."

"Luke, Crystal, hi," Jordan greeted them cheerfully but I couldn't move.

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