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                                    The walk towards the border was tiring and hell did the two boys want to shut their eyes and forget the hell their friend was going through but with the guilt from their nightmare still crushing them from the inside forcing them to keep moving they walk. Suddenly Jayden grabs Arthur hiding him behind the nearest tree,"Be careful the patrol guards are here." "So what we are the elder's sons they can let us pass." Arthur reminds pushing Jayden off him as he walks away but his friend  rolls his eyes at his arrogance and pulls him yet again behind the tree caging him with hands in that same  inappropriate position. At the sight of  Arthur's brown eyes landing onto Jayden's dark eyes he quickly taps him in notification of their shocking posture. "Oh! this is disturbing." Arthur throws him the ' you think' look. "Jayden can you get your hands somewhere far from my head." Jayden nods removing his hands from the sides of the tree. "Now let's get a move on." But before he could get away from his position Jayden Yanks him back to his initial position. The hell what is with him. "Dude!" This time Jayden places his hand on top of Arthur's mouth stopping the words from coming out and putting his index finger on his own mouth while watching one of the patrol guards moving around. "This sides my friend are from the omegan side and I am very sure they don't care if you are the son of the high and mighty. We still need a permit." Jayden whispers to the confused Arthur. Once the guard stops checking the area and goes back to his position."I think we can move now." The two move stealthily past the border line to the snowy lands. "Did you text Olivia?" Arthur questions the boy who keeps on checking on his phone as if waiting for a reply. "I sent over ten text messages." "Then what's taking them so long?" The two anxious boys take their time waiting for the girls. For once they needed the girls to actually pick up the pace there was so much at stake.

                                The two girls in their wolf forms finally make their way to where Arthur and Jayden stood at the icy river. "Taking your time eeh! Making us freeze in all parts of our bodies including some unmentioned areas." Arthur pounces on the two ladies who didn't look apologetic at all. "Arthur you might as well turn around and go back to your sorry life because as much as we sacrificed to walk all the way here in this cold morning it's too early for tantrums."
"Thank you so much......thank you for taking a millennium to get here."
"Why did you call us here Jayden? I don't think it was for us to get lectured on time management." Thecla questions ignoring the two bickering duo."We need your help in finding Oden." "What do you mean 'find Oden'?....Wait did he take Ori with him?" Arthur and Jayden shake their heads clarifying the princess was safety. Yes they would support it but it would be treason and they would be killed for it. No one especially them would want that.
"Good......Then why come all the way over here? Why don't you go back and look for him yourself?" Olivia suggests her words laced with anger. She definitely didn't enjoy being out there in the cold. I mean who in the world would want to tolerate all this water and ice in the winter cold. "He was attacked by the bloodhound and Our parents are not willing to continue the search now as Jason got hurt in the process. We need to find him as fast as possible." Jayden explains hoping the two would stop asking questions and get a move on. Every minute is precious at the moment.
"How sure are we that he is alive and we are not finding a dead body?" Arthur glares at Olivia's Offending statement."We know he is alive. Oden is not one to give up, you should also know that." "Listen Arthur as much as your hope is up the roof right now, we need to hold on to possibilities and one of them is he may not be alive....."
" Can we not do this right now......let's wrap this up and get moving." Thecla takes the role of leading the fuming teens before another argument could take place. She could tell Jayden wants to do the same.

The group walks towards the border as quiet as possible to prevent the guards from capturing them but as they get closer the only thing surrounding them is a sickening scent of blood."What is that? Am I the only one smelling blood." Olivia asks her bold voice trying to mask her fear."I think we can all smell it Olivia." Jayden assures each one of them going to a protective mode. "What are we looking at?" "Something big and strong." Arthur answers by scent."Or may be small and angry." A voice out of nowhere answers.

 THE REIGN OF THE BLOODY WAR.3🐺☑️ Complete And Edited.Where stories live. Discover now