Chapter 27:trust

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Mai's pov

I jolted awake to the sound of Sasuke screeching. I hurried off my bed and turned on my lamp that was placed on top of my bedside table.

I stumbled over to Sasuke and plopped down in front of him while lacing my arms around him, and he leaned his head against my chest.

"Are you okay?" I questioned while releasing him a bit. Sasuke nodded slowly with response, and I straight away knew he was lying so that I wouldn't feel bad for him.

"Mai, why do you do these things for me?" Sasuke asked, picking his head up from my chest to look me in the eye.

"I told you, like a thousand times already. You're important to me, I'd do anything to keep you safe." I said sincerely, gazing upon his midnight eyes that were glistening from the moonlight outside.

He stayed fixated on my orbs before drifting down to my plump pink lips. My heart skipped a beat as this happened, and I desirably returned his stare by looking at his mouth. Something took over me in this moment, and every part of me wanted to just lean in and close the space between us.  I felt like everything around us was blurred out, and it was just him and I. Although my whole body was desperately trying to kiss him, subconsciously I wasn't able to. Sasuke has so much going on right now, and I'm not so sure he even wants this. He deserves a friend who won't ever leave his side, and that's me. If I do this, it will be due to selfishness, that is, unless he reciprocated feelings.

The blissful memories of us crossed my mind, and right now I liked how we were. Maybe sometime soon when this whole Orochimaru curse mark thing is over, I will actually have the guts to smash my lips against his.

I warmly smiled at him; his gaze returning to my eyes. "Get some sleep. I have to get up early to train with my father, you can stay here as long as you want."

"I'm going with you." His response made me playfully roll my eyes.

"He won't hurt me anymore, thanks to you. It will be alright. And if he does, I will fight back this time. It was only when you stuck up for me when I finally found my voice."

"Hn." Sasuke smugly sighed.

My eyebrow raised from rising irritation. "What? You don't think I can protect myself?"

Sasuke shook his head. "I didn't say that. But, I'm going." His demand startled me a little, eyes widened and a gulp pushing the rest of my saliva down my throat.

"Fine, have it your way." I groused, scooting over to my spot on the bed, resting my head on the comfy cloud like pillow, still facing Sasuke.

He titled his head to look at me and let out a heavy breath. "Don't make me find you annoying." He teased, causing my eyebrows to furrow.

My lips deviously smirked, leaping up into a sitting position and grabbing my pillow before playfully smacking Sasuke's body with it. I let out a chuckle, retrieving the pillow from Sasuke to reveal a annoyed look plastered on his face.

"Am I annoying now?!" I mocked letting loose even more giggles. I covered my mouth with my hand to suppress my laughs, awaiting Sasuke's reaction.

Sasuke lunged at me unexpectedly, his arms wrapping around my waist and tackling my body into the soft bed. I laughed yet again, and he had on a small smirk.

He then ripped the pillow from my hands and whipped my chest, legs, and then face, getting his payback on me.

"Stop it, Sasuke! That's annoying!" I teased him for the second time, catching my breath and calming down from my laugh attack.

His body was still pressed on top of mine, and his arms were tightly laced around my waist. His head laid delicately on my chest, a few ravenette strands sticking to my neck. I subconsciously smile at the warm and happy feeling that was consuming me. I took in his embrace, letting my arms rest on his back, my fingers gently gliding along his spine.

The was the last thing I remembered before falling into a deep sleep, smile glued on my face.


"Again! Keep your composure!" My father sternly yelled, hands sticking to his hips as he focused immensely on my ice release training.

When I demanded that Sasuke is tagging along, anyone could guess that he was furious and told me no hundreds of times. However, I threatened him with going to Lord third about all the abuse over these long tormenting years. That got him to shut up real quick.

"Certain kill ice spears!" I shouted, furrowing my eyebrows and keeping my eyes fixated on the practice dummy that was standing six feet in front of me. This time, giant ice spears formed around me, all of them plunging through the dummy simultaneously. I've never been able to do them that big before! Maybe father will be content at my progress!

I smiled showing my teeth and then glanced at my father, and my smile slowly faded into nothing. He was starring at the dummy, but, he had on a smug expression with no sort of reaction. Deep down I knew he wouldn't show any interest, I mean he would still be beating me everyday if Sasuke never stood up for me. So, why would I think he'd change? Why do I still have this bit of hope inside my heart that one day he will go back to the old him. The father who loved me, cared about me, and did everything to make sure I was okay. It doesn't matter if Maiko dying placed him in a hole of darkness, hell, I was out there too! But, never in a million years would I ever think about hurting the people I love. It's whatever, I guess. There's nothing I can do to help him come out of the hole of dark to join the world of light.

"Again. Bigger this time!" He angrily yelled. Is he insane? I'm almost out of chakra, there's no possible way I can continue this training!

"No." Sasuke stepped forward with his hands submerged in his pockets.

You could tell my father was fuming inside just by looking at his complacent facial expression.

"What did you say?" Oh god.

"Mai has used to much chakra. I'm bringing her to my house. And if you decide to argue anymore, I'll just have to tell Lord Third a very twisted story about a man and his young daughter."

My father opened his mouth to retort, but he thought about Sasuke's words for a moment before deeply sighing while biting his dry lips. "Fine."

What in the world would I do without him? When I'm not with him, everything in my life is a wreck. My mind always falls into a deep depression, memories of Maiko dying and her funeral. Flashbacks and nightmares of my father punching me, spitting unforgiving brutal words in my face. Hell, even I planned on ending my life due to all of that. But, when I look at him.. it's like a bright ray of sunshine and warmth suppresses me. Those thoughts disintegrate into ash, and they're replaced with happiness and fresh memories that I would never forget. His small smiles, his attitude, his gorgeous deep onyx eyes, his semi long ravenette locks. Everything about him I'm so infatuated with.

"Ready?" He queried standing before me. His eyebrow arched as he looked at me random smiling, probably confused on how I am after my father basically wanted me to train until I die. "What're you smiling about?"

Little does he know that my mind is always thinking about him. We bonded through pain, and it feels like our soles are knotted together. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I shook my head as I started to walk along him. "It's nothing."

My head shot up to gaze at him, when I got a idea, which would most likely make him slightly annoyed. However, he would warm up to it, I know he will.

I halted and waited for him to walk a little ways in front of me before running behind him, placing my hands on his shoulders and jumping on his back. My legs tightly wrapped around him and I heard a groan emerge from his throat.

"Tired?" He questioned as he secured my legs by lacing his hands around my calves, using his strength and lifting me higher on his back.

"Mhm." I flatly reply, resting my head on his upper back and nuzzling into it. His aroma filled my nose; mint and sweat like always. And it felt so familiar and nice. I couldn't help but smile.

"To my house we go."



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