Chapter 6

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Tamlin cautiously approached the Summer Court boundary. Aware that as soon as he set foot across the border, they would sense his presence.

Approaching Lord Tarquin seemed to be the best choice. Summer had always allied with Spring and Lord Tarquin was a young Lord eager to build relationships with other High Lords. While Tamlin may not be the High Lord he was hoping for, he seemed to have the same values and ultimately want the same goal, whether or not he believed Tamlin felt the same way.

As expected, two guards arrived the instant he crossed the border and led him to Tarquin's estate.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Tarquin greeted as his sentries escorted Tamlin into his receiving room.

Tamlin bowed his head slightly, "Tarquin."

"Please, sit down. May I offer you some tea? Or something harder?"

"A cup of tea is fine, thank you." Tamlin sat down in the offered chair as Tarquin gestured for his servants to prepare the tea. The tea arrived almost instantly.

"I will get straight to it," Tamlin started, "You must be aware that my court is struggling. Thousands of families were left homeless before the war had begun, a thousand more after the war ended. Male fae who supported their families lost their lives or limbs and my court needs money to rebuild. More than money. But money is a good start."

Tarquin quietly listened, his eyes kind and soft, "We are also rebuilding after the war and while I don't have much to spare, I will help in whichever way I can."

"I'm not here for charity."

"Call it a loan then." Tarquin replied sternly.

"I have come to make a sale. I believe you might be interested in a painting of the rare deep sea creature, Tiloper." Tamlin started explaining as he had earlier rehearsed in front of Kaira.

"The Tiloper has only been seen by a handful of people, all of which are members of my family." Tarquin replied quickly.

Tamlin waved in the air and the painting appeared. Tarquin's gasp was audible.

"Gifted to Spring, to my mother, by your cousin, Wessem."

"Poor sod, he was in love with your mother until the day she died," Tarquin smiled, "You're selling your mother's treasures? Her gifts?" His brows furrowed.

"For the sake of my people, she'd have it no other way."

"I'll take it." He replied, his lips curving into a smile. A smile that Tamlin could reciprocate.

The High Lord of Summer, along with Tamlin's asking price for more than one painting, gifted him with tools, wood and stone, to aid the rebuild of the shattered homes. He also promised to send workers as soon as his cities have been rebuilt.

Tamlin arrived at his manor, a rare smile spread across his face as he already smelled the stewed lamb.

Upon nearing the manor, he sensed another presence. Kaira was not alone.


He entered the dining hall and found his old friend and emissary, Lucien seated at one end of the newly repaired dining table. Kaira was quietly seated on the other end.

Lucien turned to face Tamlin, he raised an eyebrow towards Kaira, "What is this?"


Lucien raised both eyebrows.

"Kaira is a guest of mine. She's free to come and go as she pleases."

"Where did she come from?" he asked.

"I don't enjoy being spoken of as if I'm not in the room." Kaira snapped and Tamlin stifled a laugh, shaking his head slightly. Lucien looked at Kaira, a smirk spreading across his face, "I like you."

Kaira smiled. The same smile that Tamlin could not resist, he watched as Lucien smiled back at her.

"I'm needed in the kitchen, please excuse me." Kaira announced, standing up quickly.

"Do I want to know?" Lucien asked, his metal eye swiveling around to watch Kaira rush towards the kitchen.

"Stay for dinner." Tamlin said, pulling out a seat and settling into it, "I am aware of the upcoming baby, you no longer need to avoid me."

Lucien flinched, "I wasn't..." he stumbled, both eyes suddenly focused on a deep claw mark in the dining table.

Tamlin shrugged, "I have good news. Say you'll stay."

Lucien swallowed and nodded gently. Tamlin waved toward the table, the lamb stew appeared, along with three sets of crockery and cutlery. Kaira entered the room with wine and glasses. She hesitated at the table and Tamlin gestured towards the third dining set. She sat down quietly, fiddling with her hair, "My apologies, I hadn't a moment to neaten my appearance..."

"You look... Nice." Tamlin mumbled and Lucien smirked, his eyes darting between Kaira and the High Lord of Spring. Kaira's cheeks reddened slightly.

"I have gold." Tamlin announced, "Not an enormous amount and nothing near to what I lost, but enough to sustain a few families for the year, if spent wisely."

Lucien sat back in his seat, his frown line deeping while chewing. "I would recommend you start with families along the Autumn border. They are the most vulnerable given their location."

Tamlin nodded, "I agree. It would help if I had someone to help me get things back in order. As you know, I am not the best at communicating my intentions."

"You should hire someone." Lucien replied distractedly while helping himself to another serving.

"That is exactly what I am trying to do."

Lucien stopped mid chew. "Oh."

Tamlin shook his head, "It's fine. I understand."

"I'll do it." Lucien quickly replied, "But I'm not coming back to Spring. I'll do it as a friend, if you'll have me."

Tamlin nodded, his eyes lighting up in a way Kaira had never seen before. She smiled inwardly as she finished her plate. 

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