Bucket list

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Arabella Lukredè POV

"Cool" I said walking in the huge mansion following their maid Darla to my room with Ana

"This is your room you balcony leads to Ana's room. Dinner is at 6 Ms. Arabella" she said walking me In my room

"Thanks Darla and it's Bella" she nodded and dismissed herself after mumbling something about me ending just like Ana but that's rubbish since I was born first making her like me

"Hey neighbor" Ana said from the balcony door and I squealed and jumped on her

"I should've cashed out here a long time ago" she rolled her eyes and held me

"Told you" she mumbled

"What was that" I asked eyebrows up eyes wide making her laugh

"But hey on a serious note Bella you need to tread. Lightly around the guys. Something's off about them and I've yet to hear Ragnar speak it's like he's a monster. They seem really dangerous" she said and I agreed I noticed everyone spoke or reacted he just growled a little and stared a lot.

"I know ill be more careful and keel my mouth in check" she kissed my cheek and went to her room

It was 10 in the morning and I felt like I got hit by a truck. I showered and washed my hair. Then went next door to sleep. Honestly I can't sleep good if Ana isn't next to me. I flopped on her bed and we attached to each other like magnets.


"Wake up" I opened my eyes to see Francis and Ezekiel standing over us

"Dinner is in 10" they said before leaving well I see who the asshole brothers are

"Ana we have to go to dinner" I told her shaking her awake as I got up

"They're just gonna read sexist ass rules and try to intimidate you" she mumbled still sleeping

"Well they can try" I said before going to my room and putting on a skirt and sweat shirt that matched

I walked to Ana's room and saw she was wearing the same thing but with different colors we groaned and walked out together to the dining room holding hands. When we walked in they looked at us and we walked and split hands as we walked to different sides of the table.

I had to sit in between the assholes. Francis and Ezekiel as I sat I looked around the table and locked eyes with Ragnar. Usually I would stare back but something about him was unsettling so I shifted in my seat and looked away.

The maids brought out the food and I looked at it and saw a hug steak with stir fry. They don't call me belly for no reason. I dug in and gobbled the meal whole. In less than 10 minutes I felt someone staring so I turned my head to the side and saw Ezekiel staring.

He didn't intimidate me as much as Ragnar so I challenged him "what" I asked him he just shook his head and laughed with Francis

"You inhaled the steak" Francis said and now everyone was laughing except the two grinch's

"That's why we call her belly" Ana said not even half way done with her steak

"I thought it was because her voice rings in your head after she talks" I glared at Francis and he kept laughing deeply

"Alright fuck face" I said and his smile quickly went away "thought so" next thing I know I had a hand wrapped around my neck I couldn't help the laugh that came from my throat confusing all the guys

"You don't scare me big brother" I said before he started squeezing and I didn't show any type of fear I in looked at Ana and told her with my eyes to show no fear and she did and kept eating confusing them even more.

"Watch your mouth little girl" he released my neck  and I continued eating my stir fry as if nothing had happened same as my lovely twin.

"Arabella w-" Sebastian starts but I cut him off

"It's just Bella. continue" I look at Ana and see she has her head in her hand

"LIKE I was saying I told Anastasia the rules.. now ARABELLA I will tell you them but I see we will have to add some since your so unique" he said and breathed trying to calm himself

"Thank you" he looked up at me confused "you called me unique" I clarified and that only made him angrier

"Rule number 1: Always obey your brothers and the Cult's never talk back
Second: No boyfriends or boys in general
Third: Always be in the house before 10
Fourth: Always tell one of us were you are going
Fifth: Don't wear revealing clothing
Sixth: Never leave the house without permission
Seventh: Maintain good grades
Eighth: Don't run away or try to run away when we find you and you won't like the consequences
Ninth: Don't curse at us or when referring to us
Tenth: Don't try and seduce Gabriel or Ezekiel
Eleventh: Don't contact Jason
Twelfth: Don't kill anyone
Thirteen: No fighting
Fourteen: No drinking or drugs
Fifth teen: Never interrupt us when talking

Any questions" this asshole can't expect me to follow those stupid rules I looked at Ana who just looked down at her plate not making eye contact with me


"What" she said looking up

"You said you had 7 rules. Why do I get double the stupid rules this is bullshit. You expect me not to talk to Jason or any males. I can't even fucki-" I stopped myself and took a deep breath and shook my leg

"Rule whatever number Don't seduce Ezekiel or Gabriel. I'll have you know I didn't plan too anyway and what about Master Cult as everyone keeps referring to him as" I gestured looking at Ragnar not backing down from his scary stare

I kept staring at him in the eye until Ana kicked me in the shin "ow Ana" I mumbled and realized Sebastian was now talking

"You heard the rule now don't question it" he told me emotionlessly

"But you just aske-" I groaned and stood up

"You haven't been dismissed" he said as I stood and walked to Ana as she stood and we linked arms

"Well gemella. We just got 15 things added to our bucket list" I looked Sebastian in the eye and laughed as we left

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